Only one Pradakshina of Mantralaya Rayaru with great devotion and Samarpana Bhaava Will fetch the Punya of the whole world - Sapta Dweepa Mahee Yaatra Phala.
My Beloved Divine Alma Mater Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti have recharged and Blessed me for a noble cause. Now at this juncture I proudly and happily express my satisfaction, contentment and gratitude to our Adhidaiva Mantralaya Yatisarvabhouma Gurusarvabhouma Sri Raghavendrateertharu and Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru have continued the Seva of Mantralaya Series. Really amazed and words fall short to describe the kind concern and the affection of our Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
A Holy and the most Sacred Maasa is Phalguna Maasa to the world devotees of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru. Commencing from Phaguna Shukla Dwiteeya we celebrate the Pattabhisheka Mahotsava of Sri Raghavendraswami Janma Dina of our GuruRayaru, Aradhana of Sri Sudheendrateertharu, Sri Vadirajaru, Sri Vyasarajaru etc. and thus attain Punya in the rememberance of great Chetanas.
Muddukrishnacharya learnt Sri Raghavendra
Gurustotra, started the Pathhana of Gurustotra with great devotion as per
the gudelines of Bhikshaalaya Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya and
Rayaru gave Pratyakshara Darshana to this devotee who became Avadhoota
- Sri Krishnavadhoota are described in SRI KRISHNAVADHOOTARU(7).
Muddukrishnacharya at an young age attained the power of creativity and has already composed several Granthhas. This time the king offered a unique Royal Honour of Pallakki - Chhatra - Chaamara - Gold and Silk Vastra. We can say achieved the highest honour in those days, a lucky go happy man, a fortunate poet and a scholar. Completely involved in the worldly life. But Mantralaya Sri Rayaru knew the ability of this great Chetana and reminded this devotee Muddukrishnacharya who was residing on the bank of Tungabhadra in Sondur, through his dearest and nearest devotee Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya to awaken. Sri Appanacharya is really praise worthy in diverting the mode of life of Muddukrishnacharya by the Pathhana of Sri Gurustotra and to grow Bhakti towards Rayaru and started worshipping.
After a few days Mantralaya Yatiraat himself appeared in the dream and happily talked with Muddukrishna Not only that but advised certain Mantras and Blessed a lot.
Yevam Katipaye Kaale Nivrutttekopi Sadyatihi
Swapne Yadaaha Gopyatvaat Tadvaktum Nahi
Amazed to understand the kind affection of Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Automatically the life style of Muddukrishnacharya was changed suddenly. His worldly attachment and pride towards wealth, house, family and Paanditya simply vanished after having seen Rayaru and Blessed. His heart and mind were fully occupied and surrendered himself in the lotus feet of Mantralaya Rayaru with Samarpana Bhaava. Felt solace, comfort and happiness in chanting Om Sri Raghavendraaaya Namaha day in and day out. We say in Sanskrit as Aho Raatri and came to know the aim of his life. Became very dear to Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu just like our Sri Appanacharyaru. Finally Muddukrishnacharya became the greatest devotee - Avadhoota, familiar and popular as the author of SRI RAGHAVENDRA TANTRA Sri Krishnavadhootaru.
TadaarabhyaVadhooyaaham Vishayaan Baandhavaan
Kosham Pritaarjitam Putraan Patnee Dwayamapi
Manasaapi Parityajjya Gruhaat Anyatra Tasthhivaan
Upaasya Guru Paadaabjaayam Avadhootastato
Completely involved and immersed in the depth of Adhyatma.
Glittered with the Teja brightness of Vairaagya, filled Bichali Japadakatti Appanaryaru and Mantralaya Rayaru in the heart. Left Sondur and decided to spend the time in the Pampa Kshetra on the bank of the Sacred Tungabhadra that too very near to the Chakrateerthha at the sanctum of Yantroddhaara Sri Vyasarajaru pratishthhaapita. This is holy spot where Sri Hanumanji met our Sri Ramachandra met that too for the first time during Chaaturmaasa.
Sri Raghavendrateertharu is none but the Avatara of Sri Vyasarajaru. So remembering all this the joy and the devotion of Krishnavadhootaru enhanced by more than hundred times and has said:
Mahakshetra Vrundavana Nivaasi
Filled Sri GuruRayaru in his heart and stayed under the shelter of Hampi Sri Virupakshadevaru.
Vaasinam Chakrateerthhasya Dakshinasthha Girow
Tunngambodhi Tarangasya Vaatena Parishobhitae
Sri Krishnavadhootaru resided at the cave of Sri Shambhunatha. Engaged in the long Tapasya for eight years. Believed that his only Uddhaaraka is Sri Raghavendrateertharu who has acquired the complete Anugraha of Sri Hari Vayu Guru. Kaaya Vaachaa Manasaa all the 24 hours of this eight years Tapasya always remembered Sri Raghavendrateertharu of Mantralaya. The involvement of Sri Krishnavadhootaru was so much that he forgotten this world and always pronouncing :
Om Sri Raghavendraya Namaha.
Sri Krishnavadhoota used to Sit 4 to 5 feet height above the land that too in the position of Padmaasana during Tapa. Such a great devotee of Rayaru attained Yoga Siddhi.After 8 years Kind Rayaru could not control himself, offered Pratyaksha Diya Darshana at the Shambhunath Cave. Dear devotees our Hampi Chakrateerthha is so sacred and holy that our Mantralaya Yatiraat has lived and walked.
We are amazed to know the kind act of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya and the affection of Mantralaya Sri Rayaru. It is a miracle that the Sondur worldly wealthy scholar Muddukrishnachari transformed as Viraagi and the greatest devotee of Rayaru. The world is benefitted and enjoying the importance of Om Sri Raghavendraaya Namaha.
We are very grateful to Bichali Japadakatti
Sri Appanacharya.
Vaagmi Shreemanta Yeleya Vayasale Devi Shaaradeya Poornaanugraha Padedu Herala Kavya Rachisida Sri Krishnavadhootara Jeevana Sonduru Aasthhaanadali Gourava Mannane Raja Maryade Sakalavoo Labhisitu Sri Panduranga Vilasa Champu Kavya Sondura Sri Vithalana Mandirada Kattadada Shanku Sthhaapaneya Shubha Dinave Prakasha Gonditu ! Chhatra Chaamara Pallakkiya Padeda Adrushtavanta Kavi Pandita Gnyani. Ishtondu Sambhramada Jeevana Sukhada Suppatigeyali Mai Mareta Bhaktananu Mantralaya Sri Rayara Aadeshadolu Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru Yechcharisi Tungabhadreya Dadada Panditana Rayara Bhaktara Maadi Poojeyali Todagisi Belagisidaru Idondu Hiridaada Kartavya ! Rayara Maatanau Aksharashaha Appanaru Paalisidaru Idaada Kela Dinave Sri Raghavendrateertharu Muddukrishnacharyara Swapnadali Darshanavittu: Yevam Katipayae Kaale Nivrutte Kopi Sadyatihi
Swapne Yadaaha Gopyatavaat Tadvaktum Nahi
Kanasali Rayaru Bhavya Darshana
Rayara Darushana Avarodane Maatu
TadaarabhyaVadhooyaaham Vishayaan Baandhavaan
Kosham Pritaarjitam Putraan Patnee Dwayamapi
Manasaapi Parityajjya Gruhaat Anyatra Tasthhivaan
Upaasya Guru Paadaabjaayam Avadhootastato
Andinida Sadaa Sri Raghavendrateertha
Samsaari Pandita Muddukrishnacharya
Vaasinam Chakrateerthhasya Dakshinasthha Girow
Tunngambodhi Tarangasya Vaatena Parishobhitae
Yantroddhaara Swamiya Punya Parisarada
Sri ManMantralaya Sri Raghavendrateerthharanu
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaranu