The details of the first chapter of Sri Krishnavadhootaru
Siddhi Prada Grantham : Sri Raghavendra Tantra and the greatness of this
great devotee Sonduru are described here in Sri
Krishnavadhootaru (11).
Athhataha Sri RaghavendraTantram Vakshet Tava Aagnyayaa
Krishnavadhoota Naamaaham Kalow Pratyaksha Siddhidam
We really acquire great Punya by reading and listening (Parlaying - Shravana)the Siddhi prada Granthha. If it is not possible daily at least on Thursday and Sunday, When Guru is in Pushya Nakshatra we call Gurupushyamrutayoga and on the day of eclipses we have to do parlaying and shravana of Sri RaghavendraTantra without fail. When we do so quickly we acquire our desired fruits in life including Moksha.Because Rayaru is too kind.
Our Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya has described the multifarious divine personality of Rayaru Siddhi and Pratibha in Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra. I feel we are pleased to understand the Viraat Darshana:
SarvaAbheshthaarthha Siddhyarthham Namaskaram
TavaSankeertanamVedaShaastraarthha Gnyana
Dear world devotees we atre fortunate to know that we know the Vishwaroopa of the Divine Power and the Punya of understanding the Vedas and the Shastras by two Krutis, Mahakrutis. The first one is the Gurustotra and the Mangalashtaka of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya. The second one is Sondur Sri Krishnavadhootaru most important writing, book,Grantha S R I R A G H A V E N D R A T A N T R A.Described and depicted in the most appealing style that we acquire the Angara - Blessings of Mantralaya Sri Raghaendrateertharu who is Bhaktaanugraha Premi. These two Devotees with great confidence and devotion composed them. Believed Rayaru fully and lived happily. Even to this day these two compositions are Mahakavya to our Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti devotees. Those who Believed are benefited abundantly.
Yo Bhaktyaa GuruRaghavendraCharanDwandam Smaran
Yaha Pathhet
Stotram Divyam Idam Sadaa Nahi Bhavet Tasya
Asukham Kinchana
Sri RaghavendraTantrava Kuritu:
Pathhet Yadi Phalam Dadyat Sadya Yeva Kalow
In this Kaliyuga at present we have to do the Pathhana of Sri Raghavendra Stotra Divya Stotra with complete devotion and remembering the Sacred feet of Rayaru. Those who follow will never get miseries and sorrows in life. Sri Appanacharya has made it clear and challenged that we are sure to acquire everything in life.Similar is the case with the Siddhi Granthha S R I R A G H A V E N D R A T A N T R A.
With affection pride and devotion Sri Krishnavadhootaru has described in the first chapter that Sri Raghavendrateertharu loved him very much, just a father loved his son.
Lokae Pitroho Yathha Putre Tatopi PrematoAdhikaat
Maam Rakshati Guruhu Tasmaat Sa Pitaaham Cha Tat Sutaha
Rayaru will protect at each and every step always with kind concern and affection
Sarvatra Sarva Kaaleshu Jayapradaat
Tvameva Sarvswa Mama Dehi Karaavalambam Prabho
Gururaya you are to here to lead me, guide me properly holding my hand, so that I will not fall and will walk properly to the right direction. Those who lived Rayaru in this manner for them life and living is nothing but Heaven. By pathhana we gain solace, peace and satisfaction.
Sri Krishnavadhootaru became a great devotee of Sri Raghavendrateertharu by Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru. First acquired Faith in Gurustotra Pathhana. Said that Gurustotra Pathhana is the real worship of our Sri GurRaghavendraru. Honestly admitted and described that the whole credit of becoming a devotee Rayaru goes to Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru. Inspired by Rayaru to write Sri RaghavendraTantra. So appealed to the world devotees that to acquire Siddhi and Success in life first please read Sri Appanaryru Gurustotra and then Sri RaghavendraTantra. Said with devotional ecstasy that by doing this hundred times more Siddhi we gain.
Sri Raghavendra Guruhu Anghri Samsakta Dhisanaagraneehee
Appanarya Guruhu Bhooyaat Asmat Ishtaarthha
So respected and regarded Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru as his dear Guru. As we are fully aware that Sri Appanacharyaru was very dear and near to our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and both lived like the two faces of a coin.
Described Sri Appanacharyaru as his Guru. First we have to remember and respect Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaryu to fulfill our desires. Asmat Ishtaarthha Siddhaye.
How openly, honestly and magnanimously Sri Krishnavadhootaru has offered his gratitude is a model to the whole world.
Sri Krishnavadhootara Bhaktiya Prateeka Saakshaatkaara Meru Kruti Mantralaya Bhaktarige Mahaakaavyavu Ditadi! Ee Kaliyugadali Pratyaksha Siddhiyanu Vadagisuva Granthha: Granthhada Prathhama Pataladali Sri Guru Smarane Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyara Upakaara Prerane Yele Yeleyaagi Varnisi Hrudayada Padarugalali Bhakti Preeti Abhimaanagala SookshmaatiSookshmavanu Teredu Torisida Mahtama ! Punyatma ! Sri Appanacharyara Salaheyolu Sri Krishnavadhootaru Kaigonda Guru Seveyinda Mantralaya Yativarenya Sri Raghavendrateertharu Supreetaru ! Sri MatAppanacharyara Gurustotra Pathhanadi Shraddhe Bhakti Vishwaasa Daivika Belevu Yendella Mukta Hogalida Avadhootara Oudaarya Mechchuvevu Naavella ! Athhataha Sri RaghavendraTantram Vakshet Tava
Krishnavadhoota Naamaaham Kalow Pratyaksha
Sri RaghavendraTantra Paaraayanada
Sakala Soubhaagyagala Rayaru Karuniparu
SarvaAbheshthaarthha Siddhyarthham Namaskaram
TavaSankeertanamVedaShaastraarthha Gnyana
Sri RaghavendraTantrava Kuritu:
Pathhet Yadi Phalam Dadyat Sadya Yeva Kalow
Rayara Daivee Vyaktitvada Vishwa Roopa
Pathhet Yadi Phalam Dadyyat Sadyaha Yevam
Kalow Yuge
Stotram Divyam Idam Sadaa Nahi Bhavet Tasya
Asukham Kinchana
Tantrava Kuritu:
Yendu Heli Indina Yugadali Bhaktiyali
Lokae Pitroho Yathha Putre Tatopi PrematoAdhikaat
Maam Rakshati Guruhu Tasmaat Sa Pitaaham Cha
Tat Sutaha
Jagattinali Maganannu Tande Yeshtondu
Sarvatra Sarva Kaaleshu Jaya Pradaataru
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateerthara Seveya
Sri Raghavendra Guruhu Anghri Samsakta Dhisanaagraneehee
Appanarya Guruhu Bhooyaat Asmat Ishtaarthha
Tamma Gurugalu Saridaari Torida Mahatmaru