Sri Vijayeendra Karaabjothha Sudheendra
Vara Putrakaha is our Mantralaya
Yatiraat Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru.
Further detail description of the third chapter
of Sri RaghavendraTantra and a great Miracle at Bichali Japadakatti on
the day Sri Sripadarajara Aradhana in the early hours of Jyeshthha
Shuddha Chaturdashi Friday June 25th.2010 are described in Sri Krishnavadhootaru(19).
Kaashaaya Vastram Kamaneeya Vesham
Kaamaayarthha Daataaram Ateeta Dosham
In Kaashyaaya Vastra Sri Rayaru is highly dignified. The liberal donator of the desired fruits of all the devotees and free from all the doshas, deformities. Further Avadhootaru has said:
Jayatu Jayatu Rajaa RajaRajadhi Poojyo
Jayatu Jayatu Ramyo Ranjita Aneka Lokaha
Jayatu Jayatu Bhogee Bhakta Bhagya Pradaata
Jayatu Jayatu Bhoomaa Bhoori Bhoori Pradaata
Oh ! Sri Raghavendra you are devotionally worshipped by the king of kings, Raja Rjadahiraja Poojitaha. Rayaru is fulfilling all the desired things of his devotees and is famous as Kodugai Daani Magnanimous Donor. In this world Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the only divine Saint who can give sumptuously to the satisfaction of his devotees. Such a Saint Yatiraja Guru Raghavendra Jayatu Jayatu. Avadhootaru has described with devotional ecstasy.
Sri Krishnavadhootaru is the loving son of Sri Raghavendrateertharu, said in Tantra with proud and meaningful. Prayed Gururayaru to dwell in his heart always:
Mano Vasatu Paadayor Bhavatu Mae Vachaha
Tae Stutow
Tvat Eekshana Vidhow Drsuashow Bhavatu
Tae Archanaayam Karow
Shrutee Tava Guna Shrutow Bhavatu Mastakam
Tae Natow
Pradakshina Vidhow Pade Guruvara Aashraye
Tae Pade
Desired that the Sacred Lotus feet of Rayaru always dwell in his heart, Let his speech should only do the Stuti of Sri Rayaru and chant Sri Gurustotra. Eye sight should only see the auspicious scene Mangala Maha Roopa of our Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Ears should listen about Rayaru, hands have to worship Rayaru, the forehead has to bow to Rayaru for Saashtanga Namaskara. Avadhootaru has said that all the parts of his body should always be indulged in the Seva of Mantralaya Rayaru. So I always perform the Pradakshina Seva with utmost devotion and desire to live in the shelter of Rayaru. This prayer depicts the Sampurna Samarpana Bhaava of Sondur Sri Krishnavadhootaru. So this third chapter is called as the heart of TANTRA.
Those who have believed Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and perform the Pathhana of Sri Raghavendra Stotra - Gurustotra will never have sorrows and miseries in their lives. Nahi Bhavet Tasya Asukham Kinchana. Always victorious, happy and peace in all their endeavours by the Anugraha of Rayaru. Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru has spontaneously said in Gurustotra.cThis is as true as long as the Sun and Moon are there.
Yo Bhaktyaa GuruRaghavendra Charana Dwandam
Smaran Yaha Pathet
Stotram Divyam Idam Sadaa Nahi Bhavet
Tasya Asukham Kinchana
Dear World devotees I wish to share a Miracle that happened in Bichali Japadakatti at the early hours of Friday June 25th.2010 on the day of the Aradhana of Sri Sripadarajaru. A devotee residing in a foreign country came to Bichali Japadakatti to perform the Munji, Upanayana - Brahmopadesha of his sons on Thursday June 24th.2010. On that day the devotee beautifully sang in front of Sri Narasimhadevaru with devotional ecstasy. After the Upanayana the devotee resided at the sanctum on that day and slept at the Japadakatti. Night at about 2.00am the devotee heard the voice of two persons talking from the Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana. He woke up from his bed and carefully saw the entire surrounding. The interaction of two persons stopped immediately. The Devotee in that darkness noticed that there was only the lullaby of Tungabhadra and slowly the wind was blowing Manda Maaruta. Then afterwards again slept, but could not get sleep. Again the devotee listened the interaction of two persons. Language and subject not known. But the sound of interaction was clear to his ears. This time the devotee did not sit, but lying on the bed only he again listened the same interaction of two persons from the side of the Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana. Immediately remembered that :
Sri Ramaaradhaka PunyaMurty Sri Raghavendrateertha
Tungabhadra Tata Mantralaya Priya Vaasa
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanarya
Priya Guru Raghavendra Nitya Jyoti Roopa
Darshana Pradaata
Rayaru had come here and talking with Sri Appanacharyaru. Devotee became emotional and devotional Experienced the Divinity at the Sanctum that day. Rayaru and Appanacharyaru is telling that world devotees do not afraid, We are here to protect you always. We are really amazed to know the kind relationship and the affection of Guru Shishya to the whole world.
I feel that there is no substitute for Bichali
Japadakatti and Mantralaya. Thus we are Blessed Wholly.
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha ||
Ee Mooraneya Pataladali Sri Krishnaadhootaru Rayara Vyakti Chitrana Balu Soakage : Kaashaaya Vastram Kamaneeya Vesham
Kaamaayarthha Daataaram Ateeta Dosham
Yendu Varnisi Sri GuruRaghavendrara Apaara
Jayatu Jayatu Rajaa RajaRajadhi Poojyo
Jayatu Jayatu Ramyo Ranjita Aneka Lokaha
Jayatu Jayatu Bhogee Bhakta Bhagya Pradaata
Jayatu Jayatu Bhoomaa Bhoori Bhoori Pradaata
Mantralaya GuruRayare Taavu Yatirajaru
Yendu Bhakti Udvegadali Usurida Hiri Bhakta
Mano Vasatu Paadayor Bhavatu Mae Vachaha Tae
Tvat Eekshana Vidhow Drsuashow Bhavatu Tae
Archanaayam Karow
Shrutee Tava Guna Shrutow Bhavatu Mastakam
Tae Natow
Pradakshina Vidhow Pade Guruvara Aashraye
Tae Pade
Gurugala Anugraha Gurugala Kuritu
Yo Bhaktyaa GuruRaghavendra Charana Dwandam
Smaran Yaha Pathet
Stotram Divyam Idam Sadaa Nahi Bhavet Tasya
Asukham Kinchana
Bhaktiya Paraakaashthheyali Sphuranagonda
Sadaa Nahi Bhavet Tasya Asukham Kinchana
Ahudu Sukha Geluvu Nemmadi Untu.
Tungabhadreya Dadakantida Bichali Japadakatti
Monnina Guruvaara Videshadali Nelesuva
Aa Dina Raatri Bichali Japadakatteya
Sri Ramaaradhaka PunyaMurty Sri Raghavendrateertha
Tungabhadra Tata Mantralaya Priya Vaasa Bichali
Japadakatti Sri Appanarya
Priya Guru Raghavendra Nitya Jyoti Roopa Darshana
GuruRayaru Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavanadi
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya