Jyeshthha Maasa Niyaamaka Sri Ramaa Trivikrama : Sri Ramaa Trikramaya Namaha we worship Sri Hari that Sri Hari is Sarvaswa to us. Harireva Paraha Harireva Guruhu Holy Dasha Hara Vruta commenced from Jyeshtha Shukla Pratipada on Sunday June 13.2010 and will be concluded on June 21st.2010 Monday Jyeshtha Shuddha Dashami. We celebrate Sri Bhaageerathhi Jayanti on this day. We have to chant:
Namaha Shivaaya Narayanaiya Gangaaiya Namo Namaha
and we have to offer Arghya to Gangadevi as Ganga became pratyaksha and came from Heaven owing to the intense Tapasya of Bhageerathha Maharaja. Importance is to Number Ten. We have to take the holy dip in the river to wipe off all our sins, at least we have to give Daana of ten either in cash or kind to the able Satvika Devotee Satpaatra on this particular day of Dasha Hara Dashami.
The significance of the third chapter(Trateeya
Patala)of Sri RaghavendraTantra and the Siddhi of Sri Raghavendra
Gurustotra of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya are described
in - Sri Krishnavadhootaru(18).
Nodale Manave Kondaadu Guruagala Paada
Eedu Illavo Punyake
Naadolage GuruRaghavendra Rayara Seve
Maadidava Parama Dhanya Maanya
There is no limit, there is no end to praise the Punya of Mantralaya Gururayaru. Everything is abundant in Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya - Bichali. Those Devotees who are in constant touch with Rayaru, Chanting Gurustotra , Mangalashtaka and even always uttering Mantralaya - Mantralaya are being blessed greatly. Devotees praying to Rayaru have found the real happiness and real meaning in life.
Ihaam Uttaraapte Sarveshto Modate Naatra Samshayaha
Sri Appanacharyaru has described in Gurustotra that by the Blessings of Rayaru we devotees will get the finest fruits in this world and also in the other world that is Vaikunthha.
Krishnavadhootaru has described in the third patala :
Sarveshwapi Cha Shishyeshu Appanacharya Yeva
Guroho Ati Priyo Yasmaat Stutihi Tena Samadrutaa
Among all the Shishyas - Devotees Appanacharya was very near and dear to Rayaru. As Appanarya is dear the Gurustotra is also very dear to Sri Raghavendrateertharu. A very Powerful spontaneous composition of devotional ecstasy and imagination (Pratibhe)is a symbol of Daivee Shakti we can say. Whatever Appanacharya has described in Stotra are all agreeable to Rayaru. Rayaru has made it clear by pronouncing:
Saakshee Hayastotrahee sitting below the Brindavana. Not only Appanarya heard but also the devotees who were present at that time and uttered in praise:
Krutam Stotram Idam Punyam Sri Matbhir Appanabhidaihi
Sri Appanacharyaru has included this line at the concluding of Gurustotra.
Though several Stotras, Mantras, Gadyas and Mangalashtakas have been composed on our Mantralaya Yatiraat, the Gurustotra, Gadya, Mangalashtaka composed by the greatest Devotee Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharyaru are very dear to our Gururajaru. Crores and Crores of Devotees of the World are performing the Pathhana day in and day out - we say as AhoRaatri. Even in our SRS Mutt Mantralaya daily Gurustotra and Mangalashtaka Pathhana is compulsory during the Pooja - Abhisheka - Tottilu Seva etc. Gurustotra is really Aachandraarka ! It is quite heartening to know that among all the Noble writings pertaining to Stotra and Mangalashtaka the writings of Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharya are shining like a star. Incarnation of Siddhi (Siddhi Saakaara).So our Mantralaya Rayaru is famous and well known as:
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
Not only that This had become the Siddhi Mantra
Quick Siddhi Mahamantra QSM, Devotees by Chanting 108 times daily with
intense devotion and faith for a Mandala
(a period of forty days) certainly
Devotees are Blessed by Rayaru and acquired the Desired fruits as our
Sri RaghavendraTantrakaararu has said :
Sri Raghavendra Yatinam Eepsitaarthha Pradaayinam.
Sri Krishnavadhootaru has described in Trateeya Patala:
Appanacharya Samproktam Moolam Maalaacha Varmacha
Yathhayoga Yathha Kaalam TatTat Uktaarthha
So this Gurustotra Pathhana should be done like a Maalakaara as Appanacharya Gurustotra is the main base Moola Maala Cha Varmacha .So knowing all this our Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru has said :
Yonuttamam Idam Stotram Ashtottara Shatam Japet.
For the convenience and towards the benefit of the world devotees in Bichali Japadakatti Ashtottara Shata Seva Mega Global Project is planned and launched by Rayaru and Appanacharyaru.After knowing all these things we are really thrilled, what an amount of care and kind concern our Appanarya and Rayaru are having towards us. So let us not afraid nor worry, we have to Believe Rayaru completely and leave the whole thing to Rayaru. Mantralaya Prabhuvarya will take care of us. Our Haridasas have said:
Anjikinnyatakayya Sajjanarige
Bhayavu Innyatakayya !
Chant Gurustotra properly understanding the meaning of the Gurustotra, so that we attain Shuddhi, Siddhi, Vruddhi and Abhivruddhi. Sri Krishnavadhootaru has said :
Gurustotropyetaat Prabhrati Vishwasan
Gurustotraarthham Yevaaham Pathhan Gurum
Dear Devotees Gurustotra Pathhana is the first and the foremost sacred duty to all of us to attain the Anugraha of Mantralaya Rayaru.
Sri Raghavendrateertha Yatinam Eepsitaarthha
Upaasate Yathhaa Bhaktya Tathhaa Phalam Avaapnuyaat
We as per our devotion and dedication of our Seva to Rayaru we are Blessed by Rayaru. With all these descriptions the third chapter is the Heart of Sri RaghavendraTantra.
Sevayaa Parama Hamsaanaam Ayihika Aamushmikam
Gnyanam Bhaktim Cha Vairaagyam Bhuktim Muktim
Cha Vindate
Sri Raghavendrateerharu is the greatest Yati, so we call Yatiraataru, Yatirajaru and Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru. Sarvabhouma Emperor of Gurus and Yatis. Parama Hamsa. By the Seva we get all the comforts and pleasure in this life and also in the other world. We attain Bhakti, Gnyana, Vairaagya and finally attain Moksha by the Seva Anugraha of our Yatisarvabhouma Gurusarvabhouma GuruRaghavendrateertharu. Our intense Seva must be pure and full of devotion Kaayaa Vaachaa and Manasaa.
So Dear Devotees it is quite appropriate to say that Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the Daivee Harikaara of our life. Our Swaroopoddhaarakaru. Our true Seva will acquire the desired result, Seva is our duty we have to believe.
Parama Hamsaadheesham Imam Gurum
Sevet Sarvathhaa Martyaha Swaroopoddhaara
Stuveetaha Vaakyat Stotraihi Praarthhayeeta
We have to Chant Stotra Appanacharya Stotra
and pray Rayaru and attain the Anugraha. It is sure and certain Shatasiddha
Sri Krishnavadhootaru has said in third patala with great confidence.
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha ||
Nodale Manave Kondaadu Guruagala Paada Eedu Illavo Punyake Naadolage GuruRaghavendra Rayara Seve Maadidava Parama Dhanya Maanya Yendu Sri Shreeshavithalaru Heliharu
Ihaam Uttaraapte Sarveshto Modate Naatra Samshayaha Yendu Appanaryare Heliharu Stotradali. Sarveshwapi Cha Shishyeshu Appanacharya Yeva Saha Guror Ati Priyo Yasmaat Stutihi Tena Samadrutaa Mantralaya Rayara Shisyaralella
Ashtondu Shaktiyuta Satvayuta
Appanacharya Samproktam Moolam Maalaacha Varmacha Yathhayoga Yathha Kaalam Tat Tat Uktaarthha Siddhidam Bichali Japadakatteya Hiri Bhakta
Bhaktara Uddhaarakkagi Japadakatteyali
Anjikinnyatakayya Sajjanarige Bhayavu Innyatakayya ! Yemba Dasara Saalu Yeshtondu Arthhapurna Bhaktare
Rayara Gurustotrava Bhaktiyali Pathhisuva Satvika Sajjanage Sadaa Sarvatra
Shuddhi Siddhi Vruddhi Abhivruddhi Siddhipudu Ghanavaagi!
Gurustotram Yeva Guru Poojanam Sri Raghavendrateertha Yatinam Eepsitaarthha Pradaayinam Upaasate Yathhaa Bhaktya Tathhaa Phalam Avaapnuyaat Bayasidanu Needuvaru Rayaru
Sevayaa Parama Hamsaanaam Ayihika Aamushmikam Bhavet Gnyanam Bhaktim Cha Vairaagyam Bhuktim Muktim Cha Vindate Parama Hamsa Sarva Shreshthha Yatiraja
Ihaam Uttaraapte Sarveshto Modate Na Atra Samshayaha Mantralaya Rayaranu Kaaya Vaacha Manasaa Shraddhaa Bhakti Nishthheyali Sevipa Bhaktaru Tappade Nemmadi Santasa Honduvaru Badukinali Ee Jagattu Satya Ee Baduku Satya Yendu Acharya Sri Madhware Saari Paramatma Jeevatma Bere Bere Yendu Balagaiya Yeradu Beraletti Toriharu Vishwada Bhaktare Namma Badukina Harikaara Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu Saadhanege Todagisda Bichali Japadakatti Appanaryaru Ibharamapurada Appavaru Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru Ee Mahaneeyara Runa Teerisuadentu? Parama Hamsaadheesham Imam Gurum Sevet Sarvathhaa Martyaha Swaroopoddhaara Kaaranam Stuveetaha Vaakyat Stotraihi Praarthhayeeta Yathhepsitam Namma Swaroooddhhaarakaru Ee Sarva Shreshthha
Yatirajaru Hulu Maanavaraada Naavu Sadaa Sevipudu Atyanta Hitakaravu !
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya