Studied under the able guidance of Sri Vyasarajaru at Hampi. Very powerful learned Divine saint Aparokshagnyani:
Sarva Tantra Swatantrosow Sri Madhwa Mata
Vijayeendra Karaabjothhaha Sudheendra Vara
Detail description of worshipping Sri
Raghavendrateertharu and the Sampurna Samarpana of Sri Krishnavadhootaru
are described here in the series of Sri Krishnavadhootaru(20).
Yukta Ayuktam Ajanaano Yaache Tvaam Baalavat
Daataa Traata Dayaluhu Tvam Yathhechchasi
Tathhaa Kuru
I am too innocent and ignorant like a child, do not properly analyse which is good and which is bad, I know the only thing to beg you as you are the GIVER and the Protector. So Mantralaya Yatiraat Bless abundantly all the good things in life. Rayaru is the only Kodugai Daani - Magnanimous Donor. The prayer of Krishnavadhootaru to Rayaru is very forceful. As forceful as of Tungabhadra river. Krishnavadhootaru always loved the river Tungabhadra as he lived on the bank of the same Sacred Tungabhadra river. The devotional depth of Avadhootaru resembles the depth of Tungabhadra ;
Tungambodhi Tarangasya Vaatena Shobhitae
Ranga Uttunga Taranga Sri Tungabhadra
The forceful flow and the depth of Devotion of Sri Krishnavadhootaru towards our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu was almost like the flow and the depth of the Sacred river Tungabhadra. Very forceful and effective.
Tava SevaaRataan Kaanschit Bhaktaan Preshaya
Maam Prati
Teshaam Manorathham Taata Mayaa Putrena
Mantralaya Yatiraja I am always engaged in your Seva, even devotees like me are also in the same line, please support and provide all the requirements. Fulfill the desired things of the devotees. You are kind, noble, affectionate, devoted and dedicated Chetana in the Seva of Sri Hari. GuruRaghavendraru carried and brought forwarded these Divine Qualities from his ancestors of Shashthheeka Vamsha Beegamudre family. Rayara family lived with grandeur in the Vijayanagara on the bank of Tungabhadra in Hampi. The Sankalpa of Sri Hari brought them to Kumbhakonam, Bhuvanagiri on the bank of Kaveri. Again back to pavilion to the Sacred bank of Tungabhadra river:
Ramaraadhaka Punya Murty Sri Raghavendrateertha
Tungabhadra Tata Mantralaya Priya Vaasa.
One point is very clear Shashtheeka Vamsha Beegamudre family shined on the bank of Tungabhdra in all spheres of life. This is the fortunate of the world devotees that today Rayaru is introduced through the greatest devotee Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya and his famous writings: Gurustotra - Mangalashtaka - Gadya - Dandaka - Raghavendra Kavacha - Karaavalambam etc. Sondur Sri Krishnavadhootaru further added impetus through his Siddhi Prada Granthha Sri RaghavendraTantra. Detail style of pooja, prayer and the manner we have to surrender etc. These two greatest devotees also lived and shined on the sacred bank of Tungabhadra. When we pronounce Tungabhadra our heart will be filled with joy and feel that we are in Mantralaya - Bichali - Navavrundavana.
Thus today the world devotees are simply dragged to these Sanctums to gain everything in life. Our Sri Appanacharyaru has said in Mangalashtaka:
YatVrundavanaSapradakshina NamaskaraabhishekaStuti
Kaaraankaarm Abhiprayaanti Chaturo Lokaaha
Pumarthhaan Sadaa
Sri Mat SadGuruRaghavendraYatiraat Kuryaat
Devotees who are performing the Pradakshina Seva, Namaskara,Abhisheka,Stotra Pathhana, meditating towards Rayaru and seeing through the inward eyes of the sacred Brindavana with great devotion and also taking Mruttika Jala, Padodaka and Mruttika Lepana will result the acquirement of Chaturvidha Purushaarthha by Sri Raghavendra Yatiraat. Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya has said always - many a times:
Such a Kind Yatiraat Sri Raghavendrateertharu will definitely Bless us.
In the same manner Sri Krishnavadhootaru has systematically described the way in which we have to propitiate our Mantralaya Rayaru and attain the Anugraha in the Siddhi Prada Sri RaghavendraTantra. The firm faith and confidence of Sri Avadhootaru towards Rayaru is highly appreciable and a model to the world.
Paapeenaam Agraganyoham Dayaloonaam Tvamaagraneehee
Tvaam Vinaa Nahi Jaanena Anyam Mama Aadya
Uddhaara Kaaranam
I am a great sinner, topmost in the list of sinners, Gururaya you are top in the list of Kind heart Dayaloo. I do not know any one except yourself. You are my Uddhaara Kaaranam. With this staunch faith Avadhootaru thus distributed the Punya and Anugraha to the devotees through S R I R A G H A V E N D R A T A N T R A. Shed and Spread the Divine Light and sprayed the Divine Perfume of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
Karuna Sindho Mayi Sannihitaha Sadaa
Putrasya Mama Vaakyena Sarva Sarveshtado
I am your beloved son. Always Bestow the best and the finest and always remain in my heart Avadhootaru prayed.
Sarvagnyaaya Swatantraaya Bhakta Klesha
Udaara Chetase Kim Tae Vade Mat Bhaaravaahine
Aparokshagnyani Rayare you know everything and you are the only kind Yatiraja to vanish all the difficulties of the devotees. Fully believed you and I here by entrust all the responsibility of my Uddhaara, so Raghavendrateertha please protect me. Here we find the ecstasy of prayer and faith.
Pathhaat Shravanaat Vaapi Guru Saannidhya
Sampaadya Siddha Sankalpo Bhaktim Muktim
Cha Vindati
By remembering Rayaru performing Pathhana and listening Gurustotra we always feel and gain the Sannidhaana of our Sri GuruRaghavendrateertharu and also gain Siddha Sankalpa, Siddha Sankalpa means what all we plan, desire to do will be done and also Bhakti - Mukti. What more we require in life?
Sri Raghavendraha Sakala Pradaata Swa Paadakanja
Dwaya Bhakti Madbhyaha
Aghaadri Sambhedana Drushti Vajraha Kshama
Surendro Avatumaam Sadaayam
In the third shloka of Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra Sri Appanacharyaru has clarified the same as of Sri Krishnavadhootaru. Devotees who always BELIEVED THE LOTUS FEET OF RAYARU and perform the seva with great devotion will get everything life.As Rayaru is Sakalpradaataru. Even our huge paapas, evils, sins will be destroyed by the Krupadrushti of Rayaru. That Krupadrushti is like Vajraayudha to destroy the paapas. Rayaru is Kind will excuse us as he is KshamaSurendraru.
Modam Mae Dishatu Guruhu Sa Raghavendro
Deenaanaam Sharanam Udaara Chittavruttihi
Bhaktaanaam Hari Guru Roopa Darshakaha
Supremnaa Mayi Mama Taata Sannidehi
To all the surrendered devotees please protect
and make them happy. You are like a beloved father and beloved Guru to
guide Sri Harisarvottama and Vayujeevottama. I always pray and desire the
kind and the loving Sannidhaana of Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha ||
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateerthara Hrudaya Sarasinali Bhaktaru Rayara Valume Padeva Ekaika Abhilasshe Sri RaghavendraTantrada Trateeya Pataladali Abhivyaktavaagihudu ! Bhaktavatsala Mantra Poota Mantralaya Pura Vaasa Sharanu Bandihe Tande Uddharisu Yemba Eko Bhaava Adamya ! Yukta Ayuktam Ajanaano Yaache Tvaam Baalavat
Daataa Traata Dayaluhu Tvam Yathhechchasi
Tathhaa Kuru
Yenoo Ariyada Mugdha
Ananya Prema Bhaava Mottavu Illi Hommihudu
Tava SevaaRataan Kaanschit Bhaktaan Preshaya
Maam Prati
Teshaam Manorathham Taata Mayaa Putrena Pooraya
Mantralaya Rayare Tamma Seveyale
Paapeenaam Agraganyoham Dayaloonaam Tvamaagraneehee
Tvaam Vinaa Nahi Jaanena Anyam Mama Aadya
Uddhaara Kaaranam
Yendu Rayaranu Paripurna Nambi
Karuna Sindho Mayi Sannihitaha Sadaa
Putrasya Mama Vaakyena Sarva Sarveshtado Bhava
Kaarunyamurty Mantralaya Rayare
Sarvagnyaaya Swatantraaya Bhakta Klesha Vinaashine
Udaara Chetase Kim Tae Vade Mat Bhaaravaahine
Rayare Taavu Sarvagnyaru Yellavanoo
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharanu
Manasaare Sevisi
Sri Raghavendraha Sakala Pradaata Swa Paadakanja
Dwaya Bhakti Madbhyaha
Aghaadri Sambhedana Drushti Vajraha Kshama
Surendro Avatumaam Sadaayam
Rayara Paada Kamalagala Sevisida
Modam Mae Dishatu Guruhu Sa Raghavendro
Deenaanaam Sharanam Udaara Chittavruttihi
Bhaktaanaam Hari Guru Roopa Darshakaha
Supremnaa Mayi Mama Taata Sannidehi
Manoullaasava Needi Salahu Tande
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya