It was a difficult task to lift MudduKrishnaAcharya from this miserable worst life of vicious circle. Mantralaya Rayaru took pity towards on this great Chetana for wasting this precious life. Mantralaya Rayaru asked Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru to awaken MudduKrishnaAcharya from his miserable life. During this time Sri Appanacharyaru already attained Sri HariPada when Rayaru asked to Sri Appanacharyaru to awaken.
Dear devotees the role of Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru is great and important in changing and transforming the life of MudduKrishnaAcharya into a great devotee of Sri GuruRayaru. While we are talking about scared Sri Appanacharyaru I would like to take this opportunity to describe the Madhwa Purandarotsava held in the sanctum of Bichali.
Since from 60 years Madhwa Purandarotsava
is being celebrated in Bichali and it is celebrated in a grand scale as
per the will and wish of Sri Appanacharyaru and Mantralaya Rayaru. It appeared
that Sri Vyasarayaru himself in the avatara of Rayaru is on honoring
and worshipping DevaRushi Sri NaradaMahaRushi who took avatara as Sri PurandaraDasaru
and praised by his Guru Sri Vyasarayaru
“Dasarendara PurandaraDasarayya”
Thus the whole panorama of JapadaKatti looked completely Bichali Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha. Four days function at Bichali looked as though that dias ( Platform of the function) was arranged in the river ThungaBhadra. Pooja, Alankara, Ashtottara Pathana, Naivedya, Hastodhaka, Annadana, Pravachana and discussion of various topics pertaining to Madhwa Philosophy went on well.
The main attraction of the function is JapadaKatti EkaShila Brindavana and the style of surrendering Sri Bihcali Appanacharyaru won the hear of all the devotees.Such a powerful devotee of Mantralya Rayaru is our Sri Appanacharyaru.Rayaru personally participated in the Sri Madhwa Purandarotsava and blessed the devotees.Rayaru declared to the whole world the Siddhi and Punya of Bichali and the ability of his greatest , dearest devotee Sri Bichali Appanacharyaru.
Now coming back to MudduKrishnaAcharya , as told Rayaru asked Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru to awaken MudduKrishnaAcharya from his miserable life. Sri Appanacharyaru appeared in the dream of MudduKrishnaAcharya and said “look your life style and the choice of present materialistic and vicious life is not all good. You born for a great task , for a noble work.Read and chant Sri GuruStotra. Become a devotee of Sri Mantralaya Rayaru”. But MudduKrishnaAcharya never cared for the dream nor the wordings of Sri Bichali Appanacharyaru. Later when MudduKrishnaAcharya became Sri KrishnaAvadhootaru , he himself confessed in Sri Raghavendra Tantra “YahaPooravam Bobhayaamasa Swapne Maam Vimukham Gurohu”