Sri RaghaendraTantrakaara Sondur Sri Krishnavasdhootaru
Samarpana Bhaava to our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and a staunch
devotee's path of Siddhi and Punya are described in - Sri Krishnavadhootaru(13).
The unalterable, constant Faith of these two greatest Devotees Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru and Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru is an example and a model to the world. Today Satvikas living in different parts of the world are owning and worshipping the Sarvamoola Granthha of Sri Madhwacharyaru. The Teekas Tippanis of Sri Jaiteertharu, Sri Pandit Narayanacharya’s Sri Raghavendra Vijaya, Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra - Kavacha - Mangalashtaka, Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru Sri RaghavendraTantra. Not only worshipping, they are also performing Paaraayana and Pathhana.
Sri Pandit Narayanacharya, the close relative of Rayaru Poorvashrama sister Venkamma and Sri Laxminarasimhacharya son (nephew) described and introduced Bhaktavatsala KarunaSamudra Sri Raghavendrateertharu through his master piece Sri RaghavendraVijaya. Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya, direct Parama Shishya, the greatest Devotee of Sri Raghavendrateertharu who was also the contemporary and performed the Seva for a long time, lived and spent the time, that too the most precious part of their lifetime in Bichali amidst the affectionate lap of the holy Mother Nature’s Japadakatti. Described the Divine Personality of Rayaru in Gurustotra with great Bhakti. Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra is a Siddhi Stotra and today innumerable countless devotees of the world are chanting, perform Pathhana Ashtottara Pathhana. And thus gained the Anugraha of our GuruRayaru.Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra and Mangalashtaka, Kavacha, Dandaka, Karaavalambam are all the great works of Sri Appanacharyaru. Then comes our Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru Sri RaghavendraTantra Siddhi Granthha. Rayaru appeared in the dream of Avadhoota and asked him to write Tantra, Made it clear that he was mainly born for this noble work. His Avatara was for this Siddhi Granthha.
These three writings are most valuable to our Mantralaya devotees. These three personalities are very popular and well known. Just as in Dasa Parampare Sri Purandaradasaru, Sri Kanakadasaru and Sri Vijayadasaru are called as Dasa Traya Ratnagalu, in the same way Sri Narayanacharya, Bichali Sri Appanacharya and Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhoota are called as : Bhakta Traya Ratnagalu. Through their works conveyed, described and depicted the Divine Personality of Rayaru. Introduced the Mahima of Rayaru and enriched the knowledge of the world devotees pertaining to Sri Hari Bhakti Sri Vayu deva Bhakti and Sri Guru Bhakti, Gnyana and Vairagya. Painted the portrait of GuruRayaru in the Devotees heart with the permanent marker pen. These three Bhakta Traya Ratnas rendered their maximum Seva to the devotees of the world in imparting the knowledge about our Mantralaya Yatiraja and tried their level best to see that all the devotees acquire the Paramaanugraha of Rayaru. All the three stalwarts were very close, affectionate and cordial to our Sri Raghavendrateertharu. They knew the heart of Rayaru and thus we call them as Antaranga Bhaktaru.
Here is a devotee who has completely surrendered to Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru. Always feels the presence and thinks that he is in front of Tirupati Tirumala Sri Srinivasadevaru, Hampi Chakrateerthha Sri Yantroddhaaraswami,Anegundi Navavrundavana, Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti. Though he looks Samsaari leading a family life, he is more than a Yogi in thought and action. He is quite familiar and well known to the devotees of the world. I feel proud that this Satvika is my friend. Fully attained the Anugraha of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and Bhikshaalaya - Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru. Fully nurtured under the Divine shadow and the shelter of Aparokshagnyani Rayaru and Appanaru. Very honest and sincere, without any pride and prejudice. Makes no canvass nor anything to show his greatness. He is like powerful constant burning charcoal which is closed under the ash. His Seva to Rayaru is for all the times. Rayaru is always protecting him and Rayaru is with him always. A staunch devotee of Rayaru, unalterable Faith and the follower all the three Devotees compositions. We are happy to find the fragrance of purity and simplicity in him in all walks of life. He is far ahead and progressive to all on the path of divine light. I feel it is a punya to have friendship with such great personality in life, interact and feel happy and contentment.
Today everywhere we are seeing a show of purity(Madi - Shuddhi).But this devotee, my friend followed the Sadaachaara of our Sri. Acharya Madhwaru silently and Feel that this type of living is most agreeable to our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu, Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru and Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru. As Avadhootaru believed Rayaru is Sarvswa to me in the same way, my friend has fully believed Rayaru and said: Tvameva Sarvswa Mama Dehi Karaavalambam. You are everything to me kindly hold my hand and lead me on the path - right path.
One more speciality of this devotee I wish to share that he is too cordial and magnanimous like our Sri Krishnavadhootaru. When Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootaru started chanting of Datta Mantra advised by his father a Saaligraama was offered on his palm that too in the dream. What an amount of Samanvaya - Dharma Samanvaya, Tatva Samanvaya. A great Siddha Sri Krishnavadhoota with his Siddhi Prada Mahakavya Granthha : Sri RaghavendraTantra. Today we all pray to lead on this right path which is full of divine light and divine bliss. Devotees please see below the Devotional Ecstasy and the style of Surrendering(Samarpana Bhaava):
Paapeenaam Agraganyoham Dayaloonaam Tvamaagraneehee
Tvaam Vinaa Nahi Jaanena Anyam Mama Aadya
Uddhaara Kaaranam
Among the sinners I am top in the list and Rayaru you are on the top of the list of Karunaalu, Dayaloo. I do not know anybody except yourself and you are my only Uddhaaraka now.
In this manner this devotee my friend is really worshipping Rayaru and gained the Anugraha of Sri Raghavendrateertharu. A real well wisher to the devotees of the world. Witness every day sunrise and sunset with the Miracle of Rayaru in his life and always trying to live as per the guidelines of S R I R A G H A V E N D R A T A N T R A and highly impressed to the constant lullaby (Jogula)of Tungamma - Tungabhadra and surrendered with affection and devotion:
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo
And thus experiencing solace, comfort, satisfaction
and contentment in his daily routine.
Bhaktagresara Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhootara Sri RaghavendraTantra Siddhi Prada Granthha Nijakoo Mahakavya Prathhama Pataladali Bhakti Mahime Atmanivedane Samarpane Shuruvaagi Hadinaidaneya Pataladavaregoo Habbihudu Vineeta Bhaava! Uddhaaraka Bhaava Rayara Melana Utkata Utkrushta Bhakti Premaabhimaanavu Yella Ghaneekariside Illina Siddhiya Kavyadali Nanage Neene Tande Beraaroo Gatiyilla Patikarisu Uddharisu Yemba Drudha Vishwasa Bhaktiya Koogu Kavyada Tumbella Haasu Hokkaagi Henedihudu Desha Videshada Bhaktaru Indu Sri MannMadhwacharyara Sarvamoola Granthhadolu Bhaktiyali Tamma Maneya Pooja Koneyalittu Gouravisi Poojisi Pathisuvaru Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Virachita Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra Siddhi Stotra Mattu Sonduru Sri Krishnavadhoota Virachita Sri RaghavendraTantra ! Todagiharu Rayara Seve Aradhaneyali Paavanaraagiharu Phala Padedu Bhakti Sambhramadalli! Bhaktavatsala Karunaalu Mantralaya
Illobba Bhakta Rayarige Bhakti Bhaavadali
Madi Madi Yendu Maarudda Haari
Paapeenaam Agraganyoham Dayaloonaam Tvamaagraneehee
Tvaam Vinaa Nahi Jaanena Anyam Mama Aadya
Uddhaara Kaaranam
Paapigale Hechchu Paapi Naanu
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo
Bhakti Valavinali Aalisuta Sukhisuva