The importance of the
bank of Tungabhadra,
the surrounding places of Mantralaya and how the divine chetanas took
towards the Uddhaara of devotees are described here
Bichali Japadakatti Sri
Appanacharya Priya
Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo
What speciality is hidden in this Mantra? So I wish to describe the importance of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru and Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Mantralaya Bichali and the neighbouring Kshetras are all Siddhi Kshetras. The very rememberance of Holiness is quite thrilling as the whole thing is centered on the bank of the Holy River Tungabhadra, which is equal to the Holy River of Sarayu in Ayodhya. Aigee,Beechapalli Venisompura, Uttanooru Sankapura are all very dear to our Mantralaya Sri Gururayaru.. These are the places where the dearest Devotees of Sri Raghavendrateertharu lived, lead a meaningful and guided the devotees of Mantralaya on the right path of Bhakti - Gnyana - Vairaagya and Siddhi. The great souls have born and silently shined like a star with their Avatara. Parama Bhaagavata Aparokshagnyani Sri Vijayadasaru, His beloved Shishya Uttanooru Sri Gopaladasaru, His three brothers, Manvi Sri Jagannathadasaru were all enlightened with Aparokshagnyana and Hari Bhakti and shined in the Hari Dasa Parampara . All were the Staunch Devotees of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu and described the Greatness and the Mahima of Rayaru to the world through their writings in Pada, Sulaadi and Granthhas. Sri Vyasatatvagnyateertharu of Venisompura frequently visited Bichali. We are fortunate that today in Bichali Japadakatti a total sum of Punya and Siddhi of all these Chetanas is readily available to us.
Mulabaagilu Sri Sripadarajaru gave his heart to the natural beauty and to the Divine Treasure( Daivee Sampattu) of Bichali. Stayed here for months together for Taponushthhaana and with all religious rituals of Japa Homa Nema installed Sri Narasimhadevaru opposite of Japadakatti. Planted Ashwathh Vruksha near the Japadakatti on the sacred bank of Tungabhadra. Sri Vibudhendrateertharu the Eleventh pontiff of our Sri Madacharya Parampara and the pioneer of Rayara Mutt stayed in Bichali Japadakatti and performed Tapasya.. His successor Sri Jitamitrateertharu amazed to know that Bichali Japadakatti is nothing but Nagaloka. As a witness for this the Twelfth pontiff Sri Jitamitrateertharu has installed Sri Sheshadevaru at the Japadakatti. Sri Vyasarajaswamiji has installed 732 Sri Praanadevara idols, drawn the sketches of Maruti by the Angaara of Sri Pavamaana Homa. Most of them are situated at the bank of Tungabhadra only.When Sri Vyasarayaru came to Bichali Japadakatti installed Sri Maruti and also gave bronze idol of Sri Praanadevaru to the family of Sri Appanacharyaru. Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya during Yatraa(when he was on tour) used to carry this idol along with for regular pooja and will wear like a garland (Maalaakaara)to his neck. Our Divine Saint Sri GuruRaghavendraru lived in Bichali stayed in the house of Sri Appanacharya. At that time Rayaru installed Sri Praanadevaru at the Japadakatti. The Sacred stone used for idol was the same stone of the present Rayara Brindavana in Mantralaya. Stone was extracted from the rock of Madhavaram, that is most holy as our Sri Ramachandra and Sri Laxman sat for two hours and twenty minutes. Such a Siddhi Maruti is in Bichali Japadakatti to Bless the world devotees.
When Sri Appanacharya installed Ek Shila Brindavana at the Japadakatti as per the guidelines of Sri Raghavendrateertharu placed this idol on the top of the Brindavana and worshipped daily. That holy system is continued even to this day by the Vamshasthharu of Sri Appanacharya family - Sri Badadha Ramacharya Bichali is now following the same proceedure of pooja. So Siddhi Sri Praanadevara Sannidhaana is at the Japadakatti. All these divine gifts are evergreen, pure and sacred on the bank of Tungabhadra.
Our great Haridasas have actually sang and danced with devotional ecstasy in Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti Punya Tapo Bhoomi. Kshetra Cheekalaparavi Sri Vijayadasaru Uttanooru Sri Gopaladasaru and his brothers Sri Guru Gopaladasaru, Sri Varada Gopaladasa and Sri Tande Gopaladasaru continued the Haridasa Parampara and are called as the Divya Ratna of Dasa Parampare and popular as Dasa Chatushtaya owing to their devotion towards Mantralaya Rayaru and their Aparokshagnyana. Our Manvi Sri Jagannathdasaru - the author of Sri Harikathhamrutasaara has completely surrendered to Bichali Japadakatti Ek Shila Brindavana used to visit the sanctum frequently, praised the great memorable task of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanaryaru and as a mark of respect and regard presented a Copper big Vessel( Hande) to cook rice of 25 kgs. That too with name engraved on the Hande Manvi Sri Jagannathdasaru presented to Bichali Japadakatti. Even to this day this is used to cook food in Japadakatti for AnnaDaana Naivedya and Hastodaka. A permanent record for all the all times. Bichali Japadakatti is the mother's house - TAVARU MANE to the devotees of Manvi.Daily lot of devotees Sadhu Santas visit this sanctum.
Kosigi Sri Swamirayacharya Sri Gurujagannatha Vithalaankita Sri Gurujagannathadasa Aparokshagnyanivarenya. A staunch devotee of Mantralaya Rayaru for this great chetana Bichali means Panchapraana. As a token of this rememberance it may be Kosigi Acharya Sri Pandurangacharya is always welcomed and greeted by Appanacharya Vamshasthharu Sri Badadha Ramacharya to Bichali Japadakatti for Ashtottara Seva every month and for all the important and auspicious functions without fail. Rayaru and Appanacharyaru desired the Seva of this senior person always.
In Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra Purascharana Sri Appanacharyaru has clarified that here in Bichali Japadakatti a total sum of one lakh of Punya and Siddhi is always in store and thus Akshaya Punya Akshaya Siddhi. Sri Raghavendrateertharu before the Brindavana Pravesha in Mantralaya lived in Bichali for several years about 13 years. Rayaru liked Appanacharya's affectionate Seva, Tungabhadra, the house of Sri Appanacharya, Japadakatti, Sanyasikatti, Madhwarayara Gundu. These are all very dear to Rayaru.
Owing to all this
Rayaru inspired and desired
this Quick Siddhi Maha Mantra :
A total sum of Siddhi of all the Siddha Chetanas is always readily available in Bichali Japadakatti to the World Devotees.
Sri Raghavendrateertharu Sri Appanacharyaru
Mantralaya Bichali Japadakatti
are famous as Siddhi Chatushtaya.
Rayara Bhaktara Punya Smarane Gouravaarchane Salipa Samayadali : Bichali
Japadakatteya Sri Appanacharya Priya
Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha
Yemba Shlokadi
Poornagoluvadu Bhaktaru
Ee Mahaneeyara
Vishaya Bannipenu Munde
Sri Haridasaru
Suswara Sammeladi Haaddi
Kosigi Sri
Swamirayacharya Mantralaya Sri
Raghavendrateertharu Sri Appanacharyaru
Bichali Ee Naalkoo Siddhi
Chatushtaya Seri Vishwada Bhaktarige
Vishwada Bhaktare Valavinali