The Miracles - the
Mahimas of Sri Raghavendrateertharu
are described in the Shlokas of Dwiteeya Patala in Sri
by Sri Krishnavadhootaru and the gratitude towards Bichali Japadakatti
Sri Appanacharyaru are described here in SRI KRISHNAVADHOOTARU(14).
Kalow Pratyaksha
Phaladow Sheeghrameva Dhana
Runaaparaakow Raja Chor Peedaadi
In this Kaliyuga now Rayaru is Blessing the devotees who so ever has done Seva with devotion and surrendered and are benfitted. Avadhootaru has said Pratyaksha Phala. Devotees desirous of wealth will soon acquire. Those who want to be free from all the problems will be freed by the Anugraha of Rayaru including the fear of the government etc. Devotees chanting Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Sri Raghavendra Stotra Gurustotra with firm faith and devotion and complete involvement Taadaatmya Bhaava - Tanmaya Bhaava will attain the following things as described in this Shloka:
anaanuraagee Lokaischa
Poojyo Bhavati Jaapakaha
Gnyanavaan Vaakpatuhu
Daivashaalee Deerghaayauhu
The Devotee will become very dear to all Vishwapriya, will be regarded by all Lokapujya. Further the devotee will become extraordinary intelligent with oratory power. The Luck, longitivity of life and several fine fruits Uttamottama Phala are definitely received by our Kind Yatiraat Guru Sri Raghavendrateertharu.
The above shloka of Sri Krishnavadhootaru;s Sri RaghavendraTantra almost resembles the gist of Sri SriMadacharya Mahabharata Taatparya Nirnaya 30th chapter 9th Shloka. Those devotees who chant Sri RaghavendraStotra and Sri RaghavendraTantra, they have to first offer their respect and regard to Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharya with great intense devotion and have to chant Sri Appanaryaaya Namaha. Such devotees will get everything in life what all they wish. Because Rayaru is the only affectionate Yatiraja, a magnanimous donor Kodu Gai Daani in the whole world. This is clarified at the concluding - Samaaropa of Sri Gurustotra by Sri Appanacharyaru:
Raghavendraaya Satya Dharma Rataayacha
Bhajataam Kalpavrukshaaya
Namataam Kamadhenave
All this divine truthful message is described in Sri RaghavendraTantra by the great Sri Krishnavadhootaru and there by rendered a great service to the world devotees of Mantralaya a great Mahopakaara. By worshipping Rayaru we further attain:
Kshemavaan Kavita
Shaastra Goshthheeshu Cha
Balavaan Roopa Sampanno
Nirmalatmaa Subhaktimaan
The Constructive Creativity of Knowledge in Literature and Shastras, participate in the Seminar and Debates with a pure heart and do some good and needful things to the able and the noble sajjanas and the satvikas. By the Anugraha of Mantralaya Rayaru the life and living will be blossomed with Siddhi Daivee Siddhi and put forth sincere efforts to the welfare of the Society. So today the world devotees are all marching affectionately towards Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti.This will help to the Sadhana of this world and also the other world. Iha Para:
Iti Kaala Traye Nityam
Praarthhanaam Yaha
Karoti Saha
Ihaam Uttara Aapta Sarveshto
Modate Naa Atra
Sri Appanacharyaru as a challenge uttered this Shloka in Gurustotra and there is no doubt about that the devotee will definitely attain and be happy with the finest things here and also in the other world.
We are the real devotees of Rayaru and Rayaru will provide good and cordial relation of wife,son and other relations. Even the foes will turn as friends and all the auspicious works will increase. This is described by Sri Krishnavadhootaru in the below shloka:
Kalatra Putra
Bandhoonaam Anukoolya Cha Vindati
Shatruvashyam Bhavet Tasya Sarva
What more we aspire and require in life than this? When the life becomes gold.
Vedanta Paaragaha Keerti Sampannaha Sudayaanvitaha
ShantaKrodhoNirmalatma Sarva Deva Priyo Bhavet
When we chant with devotion and complete involvement the Stotra Gurustotra of Appanarya, the devotee will become expert and efficient in all the Vedas, will attain name and fame. The anger will be wiped off and transformed into kind heart and pure heart. Thus become dear to the God. All these things are described in detail in the Siddhi Granthha Sri RaghavendraTantra by Sri Krishnavadhootaru. Not only this much the devotee will become a Siddha Sankalpa. What ever he aspires that will be happened fulfilled immediately by Rayaru. For this our Great H.H.Sri Sushameendrateertharu was an example and we have experienced.
Kimatra Bahunoktena
Gururaja Krupa Balaat
Sa Bhavet Siddha Sankalpaha
Sarva Roga Vivarjitaha
What ever deformities we are suffering in life that will be cured by Mantralaya Rayaru Krupa Bala - Krupa Drushti. The greatest and the most dearest devotee Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru has said in Sri Raghavendra Stotra:
Santaana Sampat
Parishuddha Bhakti Vignyana
Vaak Deha Supaata Vaadeen
Datwaa Shareerothha Samasta
Doshaan HatwasanoVyadaGuruRaghavendraha
Mantralaya Yatiraja Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru is so powerful that Rayaru excells even AadiShesha who is having thousand hoods. Described in the above shloka that Santaana - Sampattu - Parishuddha Bhakti - special knowledge - a sound body and sound mind - free from all the deformities Aadi - Valhi - Paapas(sins) and protects the devotees. So today the world Manukula is very confident and hopeful about our Mantralaya Sri Gurusarvabhoumaru. The whole matter is described in a nut shell in Gurustotra that too with great ecstasy of Bhakti. Sri Gurustotra took its birth at the Bichali Japadakatti by Sri Appanacharyaru on the bank of Tungabhadra and continued while crossing the river Tungabhadra as Appanaru was very dear and close to Rayaru. All these secrets, important matters are described in a systematic way by Sri Krishnavadhootaru in Sri RaghavendraTantra. How to worship, how to propitiate, how to prostrate and surrender, how to chant the shlokas for certain number of times with devotion to get Anugraha of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru.
Sri RaghavendraTantra is an important means to gain the Siddhi and the Anugraha of Rayaru as our Tantrakaara has described with utmost concern , devotion and confidence. Today devotees we are lucky to have
amidst us.
Dwiteeya Patalada Vishaya ShyliAtyanta Hrudya Krishnavadhootaru Sri GuruRaghavendrara Divyanugrahadi Padeva Phalagala Patti Heralavu Yendiharu! Bhakta Jana Adakaagi Vishwada Aadyanta Mantralaya Bichali Yendenuta Mugi Biddu Muttuvaridu Suttuvaridu : Kalow Pratyaksha
Phaladow Sheeghrameva Dhana
Raja Chor Peedaadi Shaamakow
Pratyaksha Phala Mantralaya
Lokaischa Poojyo Bhavati Jaapakaha
Vaakpatuhu Daivashaalee Deerghaayauhu
Vishwa Priya
Lokapoojayanu Aaguvanu
Bhakta Shreshthha
Bichali Japadakatti Sri
Raghavendraaya Satya Dharma Rataayacha
Kalpavrukshaaya Namataam Kamadhenave
Ee Yella
Vakkaneya Vishwakke
Kshemavaan Kavita
Shaastra Goshthheeshu Cha
Balavaan Roopa
Sampanno Nirmalatmaa Subhaktimaan
Lokake Hita
Bageva Kavya Shastra
Iha Parada
Saadhanege Todagiharu Satata Niruta
Kalatra Putra
Bandhoonaam Anukoolya Cha Vindati
Bhavet Tasya Sarva Soubhyaagyavardhanam
Baandhavya Shatrugalu Snehitaru
Vedanta Paaragaha
Keerti Sampannaha Sudayaanvitaha
Sarva Deva Priyo Bhavet
Bhakti Bhaavadali
Bichali Japadakatti Sri
Bahunoktena Gururaja Krupa Balaat
Sa Bhavet Siddha
Sankalpaha Sarva Roga Vivarjitaha
Illi Vishesha
Mattenu Bannisali
Dehadali Yene
Santaana Sampat
Parishuddha Bhakti Vingyana
Vaak Deha Supaata Vaadeen
Shareerothha Samasta Doshaan HatwasanoVyadaGuruRaghavendraha
Saavira Hedeyulla