MudduKrishnacharya though was born in NarayanaDevaraKere in a very poor family. He was the adopted as son by Sondur Belakoti Bheemasenacharya who was fairly rich and wealthy. MudduKrishnacharya could not enjoy real happiness in life, soon he fed up and life became miserable. As MudduKrishna was a scholar from the beginning, engaged himself in the composition of Sanskrit books. The Goddess Saraswati was pleased and he composed the most valuable Alankar Grantha : Mandara Makaranda Chamu Kavya. This Alankar champu pertaining to prosody was liked by all and Pandits agreed that it is the work of all times.
New rays of hope promises blossomed in the life of MudduKrishnacharya. It is the Punya of SaraswataLoka and Sri Hari Vaya Guru Sankalpa. Though did not find pleasure in the house of Sondur, decided to continue further studies under the great scholar of Mysore Ramachandracharya. There was a Pratice in vogue that those who composed champukavya were real scholars. The works of MudduKrishnacharya were so scholarly standard and excellent that all the works were prescribed as text books of Mysore University.
As days went on the strong desire of Grantha Rachana and GnyanaDaaha grew. Gaining and acquiring the knowledge became prime routine. There is a proverb in Kannada “Desha Suttu Kosha Odu” – Travel the world and enrich the vocabulary.s Participated in religious discourses and debate. Upheld the Hari Sarvotatma Vayu Jivottama.
It is quite strange that in this young age the desire to enjoy the life is reduced considerably. At the young age in the range 11 – 15 years became a Sanskrit Stalwart. Thus preliminary arrangements and preparations were started in a metamorphosis way to become devotee of Sri Mantralya Raghavenda Theertharu. A great change in the life of Sri MudduKrishnacharyru somehow he felt like going to Kerala. The environment of Kerala encouraged him and composed GhatikaaShataka and thus MudduKrishnacharya is called GhatikaaShata Kavi. The book was released in the temple of Sri Anantha Shayana
A great Orator , Pandit, great Veda Vedanta TatavaGnyni MudduKrishnacharya with his versatile quality proved himself worthy. The spontaneous overflow of writing forcefully made him a great poet , VaraKavi, born poet. Thus writing of MudduKrishnacharya was non stop, Anyaadrasham,Yathaaram,Aprameyam,Sundaram,Aghaadam,Sudheedyam,Vytanuta Subhagam, Praagnam, Manoharam, Ramyam. The kavya jhenkaara of Muddukrishnacharya was a model to the whole world. (contd …).