Aashaadha Maasa is very important to the Mantralaya Devotees owing to the beginning of the sacred and holy Chaaturmaasa to follow Vruta. Aashaadha Bahula Panchami is the Aradhana Day of:
Sri Jaiteertha Teekakrutpaadacharyaru. The sixth Yativarenya of our Sri Madhwacharya Parampare. Entered Brindavana in the year 1366AD. This years Aradhana is 644th.years Aradhana. Trateeya previous day Aradhana will be celebrated in Yergol,Yergol is the beginning of the holy Eastern Ghat, stretched up to SriShaiyalam and then to the abode of Swami Tirumalai, hilly region, abundant Natures gift with profound and immense silence that made our Vairaagya Shiromani Yativarenya Sri Jaiteertharu lived for a long time and composed the most valuable Teekas, Tippanis etc. Sri Sakshee Praanadevaru is the witness, that has been recorded as Maruta Saakshiga.
It is quite paining that Sri Jaiteertharu faced lot of hardships at this Cave. Some times lived without food for days together. Shesha Avesharu used to become a serpent, breathe only the oxygen and then took Yati Roopa for Granthha Rachane. Parama Vairaagya Murty. There is no exaggeration that no Yatis have taken that much of pain and in future also will not take pains like Sri Jaiteertharu. Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati. Though Rich and wealthy as Deshpande, never enjoyed and aspired for the worldly pleasures.
Sri Vidyadhirajateertharus Charamashloka itself is a great witness for the Vairaagya of our Sri Jaiteertha Teekakrutpaadaru:
Yasya Vaak Kamadhenurnaha Kaamitaarthhaan
Seve Tam Jaya Yogeendram Kaama Baanachchhidam
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu the 17th.Pontiff of our VidyaMutt SRSMutt has described about Sri Jaiteertharus Sudha:
Pratyaksharam Prati Padam Anekaakooti Garbhitaa
Pratibhaati Sudhathhaapi Granthhalpatvaayanochchyate
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyarus has said in Sri Raghavendra Mangalashtaka:
Vedavyasa Muneesha Madhwa Yatiraat Teekarya Vaakymrutam Gnyatwaa.
Our Sri Vadeemndrateertharu the 22nd.Pontiff of our VidyaMutt SRSMutt has said:
Vyasena Vyupta Beejaha Shruti Bhuvi Bhagavatpaada
Labdhaankura shreehi
Pratyaireeshat Prabhinno jani JAYAMUNINAA
Samyadudbhinna Shaakhaha
Mouneesha Vyasarajaat Udita Kisalayaha
Pushpitoyam Jayeendraat
Adya Sri Raghavendraat Vilasati Phalito
Madhwa Siddhanta Shaakhee
The seedling of Madhwa Siddhanta started by Sri Vedavyasadevaru, was further enriched by Sri Madhwacharyaru. Grew with several branches by our Sri Teekarayaru, then again by Sri Vyasarajaru. During the days of Sri Vijayeendrateertharu Madhwa Siddhanta tree got flowers and during the days of Sri Raghavendrateertharu started giving fruits.
Further Sri Satyapramodateertharu said about Sri Jaiteerthartu:
Mouneesha Vyasaraja Pranuta Jaya Munehe
Paavane Sannidhaane
Shishyaan Adhyapya Mounee Munivaravinutam
Granthharajam Sudhaakhyam
Teekakrutpaada Sevamapi Charita Manaaha
Bhooyasi Satpramodaha
Divyam Bhavyam Sudheedyam Vyata Nuta Subhagam
Mandapam Soudha Sougnyam.
Sri Jaiteertharus Sri Sudha is the most valuable and the important book of all times, as long as the Sun and the Moon are shining.
Dear World Devotees it is heartening to know that Sri Jaiteertharu the Sixth Pontiff Indramasha Shesha Avesha who took Sanyasa Ashrama by Sri Akshobhyateertharu is not only restricted to Uttaradi Mutt. Sri Jaiteertharu belongs to all the Madhwa Mutts.
YenaaGaahi Samasta Shaastra Prutanaa Ratnakaro
Yenaa Khandi Kuvaadi Sarva Subhatastomo
Vachaha Saayakaihi
Yenaa Sthhaapi Cha MadhwaShastra Vijayastambho
Tam Seve Jaiteertha Veera Manisham Madhwaakhya
We Vaishnavas - Madhwas - Followers of Sri SriMadacharya are highly indebted to the most extraordinary Pontiff who is an evergreen model to the Yatis for Gnyana and Vairaagya.
The importance of the fourth chapter of Sri
RaghavendraTantra and the importance of Nanda Deepa are described in Sri Krishnavadhootaru(22).
After the completion of the Sandhyavandana, please place all the pooja materials in front of God in the Pooja room. Place a Peetha Aasana to our Gururaataru and request to be seated. Then the pooja begins. Kind Gururaya Bhaktavatsala I here by start the worship. Without any proper guidance and aim lived and spent the days in the worldly affairs without any control on the Panchendriyas. Moved like a mad horse without any aim that two eyes were tied with cloth, so that I cannot see anything. In such a routine and a state of mind I have wasted my life till now. I fully repent for the follies done by me. Mantralaya Guruvarya Please excuse me.
Dhyayaami Gurum Abjaaksham Maha Samraajya
Prasannam Appanacharya Yogeendraadaihi
Rayare you are always encircled in the middle of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Yogeendra and several other dear devotees. Mantralaya Karunaalu you are always smiling Dara Hasita Mandasmita. Prasanna. The broad eyes are like the blossomed Lotus. Rayare you are the Emperor in the Empire of Bhakti - Gnyana and Vairaagya. I whole hearted pray you and welcome you to take this Aasana. I wish to worship you with devotion . Please accept my Seva - Pooja.
Bhooloka Paavanaarthhaaya Kruta Avatarana
Paadyam Gruhaana Rajarshi Pavitram Gurumaam
Sri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhouma you have taken the Avatara only for the sake of our Uddhaara in this Bhooloka. I offer Paadyam oh! Holy RajaRushi Gururaja Mantralaya Prabho:
Rajaanam Guruhu Iti Gururajaha : Guroonaam Rajaha Iti Gururajaha
The Best in all respects of Divine Quality, kindly free me from all the worldly evil activities, impart Gnyana, contentment and Satvika qualities.Gururaya you are not an ordinary saint you have attained the Saakshaatkara of Sri Hari. In Prahlada Avatara you have proved how a real devotee of Sri Hari Bhaagavata should be engaged in Sadaachara. A unique model of Sri Hari Bhakti is our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. A total sum of all the Guru Karune is now protecting always. We are bent with gratitude to Mantralaya Rayaru for the magnanimity and the affection towards us. While describing the Vidhi Vidhaana of Pooja we experience the spontaneous overflow of Bhakti and affection towards our Rayaru is never ending.
GuruRayare in all the Avatarasa you have done the best to the devotees Loka Kalyana Uddhaara and enlistment. All the pooja articles are placed in front of you Punyatma please accept all these things Snaana, Arghya, Paadya, Panchamruta Abhisheka, Neelarajana - Neelanjana Deepa, Naana Rutu Kaalodbhava patra Pushpa and Phalas. Fruits and flowers I am offering to you. You offer the same to Sri Vayu and accept them happily. Krishnavadhootaru pleads Rayaru, prays Rayaru invites and welcomes thus the Shlokas Continued in Tantra.
Then Sri Krishnavadhootaru says put Rangoli in the form of a Yantra, in the middle a round circle space we have write Om. Worship the Omkaara which is in the centre of this Yantra Rangoli with Arishina Kumkum Gandha Akshate Hoovu Tulasi and place a round plate either of copper, brass or silver. Round the plate starting from left to right please keep EIGHT NEELANJANAS. Then put some ghee which gives very good fragrance and two Hoobattis in each Neelanjas. Pronounce:
S R I R A G H A E N D R A Y A N A M A H A.
While lighting each Neelanjanas. Each Neelanjana denotes the importance of the name of Raghavendra. Actually this is the Ashtaaksharee Japa Deepaaradhane of our Yatiraat Guraat Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru. For all the Eight Neelanjanas separate Eight shlokas are described in this fourth chapter. In the next series I will describe in detail the shlokas with meaning. This is nothing but the famous : Ashtakshara Mantratmaka Stavana of our Rayaru by Avadhootaru. Thus Avadhootaru propitiated in this manner and became dear and near to Mantralaya Rayaru and acquired the complete Anugraha of Rayaru and Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharyaru.
When the word Deepa comes, one point is very clear to all of us. That most of the world devotees of Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti , about 80% I feel compulsorily observe Deepaaradhane that too NandaDeepaAradhane a pair of two Deepas either oil or ghee in front of Sri Raghavendrateertharu day in and day out and in all the 365 days of the year. We say as Jodu Nandadeepa. Pray to Rayaru through the Siddhi Stotra Gurustotra of the greatest devotee Appanacharyaru. This Deepa Agnideva will immediately transmit our Prayer to Sri Hari Sri Vayu and Sri Guru. Thus we are immediately our desires are fulfilled, benefited by Rayaru. This is as true and real as the Sun and Moon are shining.We are happy to chant this shloka of Sri Appanacharyaru in Gurustotra.
Yetat Stotram Samuchcharya Guroho Brindavanantike
Deepa Samyojanaat Gnyanam Putra Labho Bhavet
Devotees who light the Deepas Chanting this Guru Stotra with intense devotion in Mantralaya in front of Sri Raghavendrateertharus Moola Brindavana and in Bichali Japadakatti EkShila Brindavana WILL DEFINTELY GET GNYANA SUGNYANA VIGNYANA and APAROKSHAGNYANA. Those devotees desirous of Santana will definitely get Putra Santana. Putra Laabho Bhavet Dhruvam. Devotees please look at the abundant faith and confidence of our Bichali Japadakati Appanacharyaru. A permanent written statement record of Rayara Siddhi Vara Anugraha to the Devotees. We are really amazed and impressed to read this sh;loka. As a challenge Appanachjarya has composed spontaneously that too on the day of Shraavana Bahula Bidige. Words fall short to describe about the Devotion of Appanarya towards our Mantralaya Rayaru. So today in Mantralaya during Pradakshina Seva Sankalpa Seva all the Devotees will be pronouncing loudly Sri Purnabodha Guruteerthha Payobdhi Paaraa.
I here by appeal to all the World Devotees
of our Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti that Devotees in which part of
the country you may be residing please opt compulsorily to light Jodu NandaDeepas
all the time and on all the 365 days of the year. Please see that they
are safe in the house as 90% of the houses are of wooden structure
in some countries. Please Chant with devotion daily 108 times of
Quick Siddhi Mahamantra
Then leave the whole thing to our Mantralaya Rayaru. Rayaru will definitely protect us at all whelm of affairs. Rayaru will look after our Yogakshema.
Modala Nalavatteradu Shlokagalali Sri Krishnavadhootaru Sri Raghavendrateerthara Archana Vidhaanava Bhaktiyali Varnisidudanu Odutta Hodante Mai Yella Romaancha ! Halavu Bageyali Praarthhiparu Praakaashthheyali Sandhyavandane Pooraisi Pooja Parikaragala Jodisi Devara Poojeya Maadi Nantara Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumara Pooje Arambha Peethavanirisi Banni Bhakta Vatsala Karunaalu Sweekarisu Poojeyanu ! Agnyani Aneeti Kaamaachari Langu Lagamu Villade Kannu Kattida Kudureyolu Yettettalo Hari Haaydu Kadege Bandu Nintide Paschaattapadali Bendu Bhaktiyali Mantralaya Guruvarya Sannidhiyali: Dhyayaami Gurum Abjaaksham Maha Samraajya
Prasannam Appanacharya Yogeendraadaihi Pareevratam
Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharya
Bhooloka Paavanaarthhaaya Kruta Avatarana
Paadyam Gruhaana Rajarshi Pavitram Gurumaam
Ee Lokavanuddharisi Pavitragolisalende
Yantrada Maadariya Rangoliyanittu
Belagisi Ghama Ghamisuva Parimala
Deepava NandaDeepava Belagisiri Bhaktare
Yetat Stotram Samuchcharya Guroho Brindavanantike
Deepa Samyojanaat Gnyanam Putra Labho Bhavet
Ee Siddhiya Sri Raghavendra Stotra Gurustotravanu
Jodu Nanda Deepava Hagalirulennade
Jeevana Paryanta Belagisi
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha Yemba
Tvarita Siddhi Mahamantrava Bhaktiyali Pathhisi
Nammanu Rakshisuva Sampurna Hone Javaabdaari
Mantralaya Rayaradu Yoga Kshemava Tappade
Karunaalu Santara Vadeyariruvaaga Namageke
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya