Maagha Shukla Dashami Jan.25th.Monday is the
Aradhana Day of Sri Yogeendrateertharu
The successor of our Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha
Both the days are very important to the devotees of Mantralaya and Bhikshalaya.
The great affection of Sondur Sri
Bheemasenacharya Belakoti to his adopted son
Muddukrishnacharya(Sri Krishnavadhootaru) and
his pleasant childhood are described here in SRI
As per the shloka of Sri Aditya Purana the utmost seva ,devotion, surrendering style of the sajjanas,satvikas and the Astikas will make Sri Hari to be with them and protect always. Simply the devotees devotion will be tied Bhakti Supaasha the Satpaada pankaja of Sri Hari.In the same way our Bichali Sri Appanacharya has also tied the Satpaada of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu with Bhakti Supaasha Baddha Satpaada Pankaja. So our Rayaru is daily visiting Bichali and the Sannidhaana is very sacred and holy. Such a great devotee of Rayaru Bichali Sri Appanacharyaru is mainly responsible in moulding the divine personality of Sri Krishnavadhootaru.
The divine personality of Krishnavadhootaru fully blossomed when he became the devotee of Bichali Sri Appanacharya through Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra and Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. The mere touch of the sacred Gurustotra proved meaningful and fruitful. Today we are proud and grateful to had. such devotees
It is always true that the life style of great devotees is entirely different from the common people. Right from childhood and in the Ashramas of life Brahmacharya, Grahasta, Vaanaprasthha and Sanyaasa.
Sri Krishnavadhootaru previously called as Krishna,Muddukrishna,Muddukrishnacharya as already said.Belakoti Bheemasenacharya a great Asthhaana Pandit,rich and popular figure adopted Krishna as his son Loved and all the formalities and rituals of Choula, Jaata Kesha Mundana(Khandana), Aksharabhyasa, Upanayana followed one after the other. Bheemasenacharya amazed to see the imagination,intense listening, grasping power, memory power, extraordinary intellectual level and the tireless efforts of Muddukrishna to his age and he himself decided to teach Muddukrishna, as the others evil should nat fall on his son. So affectionately took care.The glittering eyes and the Bliss on his face proved Bheemasenacharya that Muddukrishna will bring credit,name and fame to his family. Thus contented and highly grateful to the kind act of Sri Hari and the surrounding environment of Sondur and the bank of Tungabhadra.Tungabhadra is a boon to the satvikas and to the Haribhaktas.So young Muddukrishna before attaining the age of 8 and nine learnt Vyakarana, Tarka(Logic),Nyaaya,Kavya and all the Shastras. Became expert and perfect by his adop[ted father Bheemasenacharya. It is most interesting to know that Young Muddukrishna at the age of seven atarted Kavya Rachana.
The noble couple Venkataramanacharya and Trivenibai of Narayanadevarakere felt extremely happy. The puropse of giving his son Krishna to Bheemasenacharya is fulfilled. Venkataramanacharya was really an ambitious father, selfless father. He desired, aspired that hios son must become a great scholar and live comfortably in life without thinking for the daily bread and butter. So offered sincere thanks to Bheemasenacharya for adopting Krishna. The house in Sondur filled with joy and pleasure.Bheemasenacharya felt happy. As per the tradition in those days At the age of Seven Muddukrishna was married to a girl by name Radha of a Jahagirdar of Muraripura.After the arrival of their daughter-in-law Bheemasenacharya and Venkamma experienced that this the real happiness of life.But this happiness could not continue for a longtime. After four years Venkamma leaving his beloved son Muddukrishna in the hands of his father, she breathed her last, attained Haripaada and acquired Muttaide Bhaagya.
When Muddukrishnacharya lost his mother, he was only 11years old. Even Belakoti Acharya also did not live for a long time to see the Saaraswata Vaibhava of his son. After 4 years father Bheemasenacharya also attained Haripaada. Now the feeling orphan grew day by day. Felt like a fish out of water. At the sametime the family feud of his cousin brothers made the life like a hell. Though shared the joy and miseries with wife Radha, did not find peace in life. In such adverse circumstances and atmosphere it is surprising that Muddukrishnacharya studied and enriched his knowledge and also composed the Granthhas.
In case the atmosphere and the circumstances were favorable to Muddukrishna and lived with his father in the Royal Court of Sondur Gorphade, the Saaraswata Loka would have been benefited much more with the valuable works.
But fate plays the role we cannot disobey.
We are really fortunate to our Holy Tungabhadra which is equal to the river of Sarayu in Ayodhya.Tungabhadra has enriched the divine personality of Sri Krishnavadhootaru.The forceful flow and the sound a lullaby of Sri Harisarvottama and Vayujeevottama to the devotees. The sanctums which are situated on the bank of Tungabhadra Bellary,Hampi Hospet,Sondur,Cheekalaparvi,Anegundi, Bichali,Manchali,Khairawadi near to Ibharamapura are all welcoming the world devotees and Showering the Blessings rich heritage of SRI HARI VAYU GURURAYARU.
Sri Krishnavadhootaru has said in Sri Raghavendra Tantra a Siddhi Granthha:
Appanarcharya Krishnakhyaa Sevakow Sri Raghavendrateerhasya
Yugakramaat Tatraapi Dwija Roopataha Shishya
Tasya Priyow Sadaa
Appanarcharya and Krishnavadhootaru lived together in all the janmas that too Brahmins and engaged in the seva of Rayaru became dear and near.
Sdanakaadi Dhyanagamyam Srinivasam BhajeAnisham
Yemba Aditya Puranada Shlokadali Helidolu
Tande Venkataramanacharya Taayi Trivenibai
Yelu Varushake Maduve Hannondu Varushake
Pratibhaanam Kavya Vidya Prachaya Parichayam Vruddha Sevaanuraagam Satataabhyaasa Prayatnam Niyatam Kavitege Kaaranam Yemba Vakyada Reeti Vidyeya Sadhane
Maata Pitara Viyoga Viraha Tabbaliya Anubhavada
Vishwada Bhaktare Ayodhyeya Sarayoo Nadige
Bhakta Bhakti Supaashena Baddha Satpaada Pankajam Bhaktara Dandu Vataagi Bhaktiyali
Appanaryaha Krishnaakhya Sevaka Sri Raghavendrateerthasya Yuga Kramaat Tatraapi Dwija Roopataha Shishyaa Tasya Priya Sadaa Yemba Maatadu Satya --- Contd. |