The importance of Bichali Japadakatti Sri
Appanacharya’s Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra and the importance of the third
chapter (Trateeya Patala) of Sri RaghavendraTantra of Sondur Sri
Krisnavadhootaru’s are described in SRI KRISHNAVADHOOTARU(17).
Narayanam Mahalakshmeem Bhaargavam Raghunayakam
Krishnam Vyasam Hanoomantham Bheemam Madhwam
Vyasam Natwa Avadhooto Aham Vakshyami Hrudayam
Naana Chhandaha Susarvaarthhadaayakam Paapanaashakam
With due respect and regards to Sri Hari, Lakshmi, Parashurama, Sri Ramachandra, Sri Krishna, Sri Vedavyasadevaru , Hanuma - Bheema - Madhwa and Sri Vyasarayaru I am here by describing the Hrudaya Bhaaga Heart of Sri Raghavendrateertharu which is of great importance to all of us in this Trateeya Patala(third chapter). Devotees by performing the pathhana of Sri RaghavendraTantra’s third chapter with great devotion all the effect of bad deeds sin paapa will be wiped off completely.So this Siddhi Grantha is Sarvaarthhaprada Saadhana to all of us. Sakalapradaata Sri GuruRaghavendra’s complete Anugraha is possible to the Devotees only by Bhakti Pooja and Seva. These three things have to be done in the right and systematic way. Avadhootaru has described all this with the Paraakaashthhe (ecstasy) of Bhakti. In the Omkaara Beejakshara Rayaru delighted to see Sri Hari and attained the affection of Sri Hari.Sri Krishnavadhootaru’s great desire was that the world devotees must and should acquire the Anugraha of Karunaalu Rayaru. Even the previous Jannmas of Sri Raghavendrateertharu are described nicely:
Pura Prahlada NaamaBhoot Hirannyakashyapo
Yadarthham Sri MahaVishnuhu Nara Kantheeravatam
Sri Raghavendrateertharu in the previous Janma a very famous Bhaagavata by name Prahladarajaru the son of Hirannyakshyapu. For the sake of Prahladaru Sri Hari took the Avatara of Sri Narasimha to proclaim and declare the endless Bhakti Hari Bhakti of Prahlada to the whole world. This is not an ordinary thing? Devotees please know the greatness and the glory of our Mantralaya Gururayaru. It is quite interesting to know that During the Prahladarajaru’s Avatara, Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya and Sondur Sri Krishnavadhootru had taken the Avatara as Samhata and Prahata exclusively for the Seva of Sri Prahladarajaru.
Again during Tretaayuga Rayaru took the Avatara as Vibheeshana towards the Seva of Sri Ramachandradevaru. At that time these two stalwart faithful and loyal devotees also were born as Sandhika and Prasandhika for the Seva of Vibheeshana in Lanka. All these things are the special features of Sri RaghavendraTantra by Sri Krishnavadhootaru.
Tretaayaam Rama Sevaarthham Vibheeshana Tayaajani
Tatraapi Chaarow Touw Jaatouw Sandhikascha
During Dwaaparyuga this Prahladaraja Vishesha Aavesha of Vayudevaru had taken the Avatara of Baahleekaraja the son of Prateepa, very cordial, dedicated, devoted and affectionate to Sri Krishna Paramatma and in the great Sacred Mahabharata war of Eighteen Days attained the heavenly abode by Sri Bheemasenadevaru as per his will and wish. Actually Bahleekaru requested the same to Lord Krishna to Bestow that he should be sent to Vaikuntha by Sri Bala Bheemasenadevaru as he was fighting in favour of Kouravas at that time.
Dwaaparepi Samantaabhyaam Samaavishtascha
Bhoo Bhaara Kshapane Vishnorangataaptnum
Yeva Saha
Prateepa Putrataamaapya Bahleekeshwa Bhavat
All these are described in detail by Avadhootaru It clearly shows that they both were quite loyal, faithful, dear and performed the Seva with utmost care and concern and thus proclaimed this divinity to the whole world.
In this Kaliyuga again Prahladarajaru took the Avatara as Sri Vyasarajaru to perform the Pooja Kainkarya of Sri Krishna swami - Baala Gopalakrishna and to upheld the Sachchaastra of Acharya Madhwaru and to establish a Holy Record of installing 732 Sri Praanadevaru most of them on the Sacred bank of Tungabhadra river. Thus did a noble and yeoman service.
Kalouw Gopalakrishna Archaa Poojayai Vyasamaskaree
Bhootva Nirjitya Durvaadaan Madhwa Shasta
Again Sri Prahladarajaru took Avatara as Sri Raghavendrateertharu the 17th. Pontiff of our Sri Madhwacharya Parampara Rayara Mutt SRS Mutt to fulfill the strong desire to worship Sri MoolaRamadevaru:
SarvaTantra Swantrosow Sri Madhhwa Mata Vardhanaha
Vijayeendra Karaabjothha Sudheendra Varaputrakaha.
Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharyaru has rightly said in Gurustotra Rayaru Sri Madhwa Siddhanta Vardhakaru in all the Avataras and now also here.
Sri Raghavendrateerthaakhyo Avateerya Yati
Vivratya Madhwa Shastrasya Lokopakrutimaatanot
Appanacharya Krishnakhyow Tatraapi Dwija Roopataha
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru is the Avatara of Sri Vyasarajaru worshipped Sri MoolaRamadevaru for fifty years and abundant writings pertaining to Acharya Philosophy is done meticulously, protected the devotees Miraculously and even to this Mantralaya Brindavana Mandira Gururaya is protecting the Manukula:
Kundade Vara Mantralayadalliruva Karedallige
Raghavendra Gururayara Sevisiro Neeva Soukhyadi
It is quite amazing that the greatest devotees were together born for the Seva of Rayaru, though Krishnavadhoota was not the contemporary of Appanacharyaru.
One more special point our Krishnavadhootaru has described in Sri RaghavendraTantra that Rayaru was Vishwaksena the son of Sri Sheshadevaru:
Vishwaksena Aheesha Putra Avataaraaha Shadimevataaha
Tasya Sri Raghavendrarya Guroho Kaamyarthha
Sri Krishnavadhootaru has further described in Trateeya Patala that Sri Appanacharya Rachita Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra is Sarva Ishta Saadhakam. This depicts the Guru Bhakti of Appanacharya towards Rayaru and the Guru Bhakti of Avadhootaru towards Appanaryaru.We will certainly attain Siddhi, Desired things without fail.
Seva Cha Vyarthhataam Iti Na Prasado Guroho
Aadow Sakrdwa Tata Paathat Anyat Siddhyati
SheeghratahaWithout the Pathhana of Gurustotra the Seva,Worship and the
Ashtakshari Japa will not yield fruits. So given a Divine Call to the world
devotees top Chant Gurustotra, to learn Gurustotra and acquire the Anugraha
of Rayaru. So powerful is Gurustotra. Honestly, Sincerely, Devotionally,
Spontaneously with Bhakti Paraakaashthhe(devotional ecstasy)
Appanacharya Rachita Stotram Sarveshta Saadhakam
Yetat Vinaa Guroho Pooja Stotram Cha Ashtaksharee
Dear Devotees Appanacharya Rachita Sri Raghavendrateertha
Gurustotra is Sarva Ishta Saadhakam.
Trateeya Patala Yendu Sri Krishnavadhootare Heliddu Atyanta Gamanaarha ! Vishwada Bhaktare Pari Pariya Reetiyali Archisi Sevisi Krutaarthharaaguvade Punyaanu Hechchipude Siddhiyanu Padeyuvade Sri RaghavendraTantrada Mukhya Uddesha Guri Rayaru Bichali Japadakatti Mantralaya Hirime Garimeyanmasritu Appanarya Krishnavadhootara Bhakti Yogyte Hrudayavantike Aritu Vishwada Hitakaagi Manukulada Uddhaarakkagi Vishesha Anugrahave S R I R A G H A V E N D R A T A N T R A Kruti
Narayanam Mahalakshmeem Bhaargavam Raghunayakam Krishnam Vyasam Hanoomantham Bheemam Madhwam Guroonapi Vyasam Natwa Avadhooto Aham Vakshyami Hrudayam Guroho Naana Chhandaha Susarvaarthhadaayakam Paapanaashakam Sri Hari Laksmee Parashurama Sri Ram Krishna
Sarvaarthhaprada Saadhanavu
Pura Prahlada NaamaBhoot Hirannyakashyapo Sutaha Yadarthham Sri MahaVishnuhu Nara Kantheeravatam Gataha Modalu Hirannyakshyapuvina Maga
Tretaayaam Rama Sevaarthham Vibheeshana Tayaajani Tatraapi Chaarow Touw Jaatouw Sandhikascha Prasandhikaha Vayudevara Vishesha Aavesha Prahladarajare
Dwaaparepi Samantaabhyaam Samaavishtascha Vayunaa Bhoo Bhaara Kshapane Vishnorangataaptnum Yeva Saha Prateepa Putrataamaapya Bahleekeshwa Bhavat Patihi Ee Yella Vishayagala Deergha Varnane
Kalouw Gopalakrishna Archaa Poojayai Vyasamaskaree Bhootva Nirjitya Durvaadaan Madhwa Shasta Prakashayan Ishte Allade Sri Moola Ramadevara
Sri Raghavendrateerthaakhyo Avateerya Yati Roopataha Vivratya Madhwa Shastrasya Lokopakrutimaatanot Appanacharya Krishnakhyow Tatraapi Dwija Roopataha Kaliyugadali Vyasa Avataariye
Vishwaksena Aheesha Putra Avataaraaha Shadimevataaha Tasya Sri Raghavendrarya Guroho Kaamyarthha Daayinaha Idondu Illina Vishesha Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyara Gurustotra
Appanacharya Rachita Stotram Sarveshta Saadhakam Yetat Vinaa Guroho Pooja Stotram Cha Ashtaksharee Japaha Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharyara
Seva Cha Vyarthhataam Iti Na Prasado Guroho Bhavet Aadow Sakrdwa Tata Paathat Anyat Siddhyati Sheeghrataha Siddhi Sheeghra Siidhi Yendu
Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurubhyo Namaha. |