On Wednesday May 26th.2010 Sri Narasimha Jayanti, Avatara for the sake of our Sri Prahladarajaru Guru Sri Raghavendrateertharu:
Sadhoonaam Dhyaato Vishnuhu
Gruhanaarghyam Maya Dattam Sa
Lakshmi Narahare
On Thursday Sri Vedavyasa Jayantia Aagi Hunnime - Vyasa Purnima, Buddha Purnima the Samaaropa of Vaishaakha Snaana and Vasanta Pooja.Jayanti Sri Koorma also falls on this day.
Very auspicious and Sacred days to the devotees of Mantralaya. Special Pooja in Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti.
Sri RaghavendraTantra
Siddhi Prada Granthha's
importance of the Dwiteeya Patala and the way in which the Devotees of
Mantralaya are acquiring the Siddha Sankalpa by the Paramaanugraha of
Rayaru are described in SRI KRISHNAVADHOOTARU(16).
Vairagyavaan Mahatyagee
Bhogee Dharma Vichakshanaha
Kanyaam Lakshana Sampannaam
Praaptnoti Shriyam
By the Anugraha of Mantra Siddha Kshetra Guru Madhwa Symbol Punyapura Mantralaya we devotees will get beautiful, cultured, sober girl as life partner in life, acquire all the necessary requirements, wealth and success. Such a Devotee though he is enjoying the worldly benefits like a Bhogee will not attach too much for all this and live like a drop of water on the leaf of lotus. Thus with all magnanimity lead a model life and that can be practicable to all.
Kimatra Bahoon Uktena
Gururaja Krupaa Balaat
Sa Bhavet Siddha Sankalpaha
Sarva Roga Vivarjitaha
Why to talk too much, by the Anugraha of Sri GuruRaghavendraru the devotee will attain a state of Siddha Sankalpa and will be free from all the health problems - Nirogi, At this context I wish to draw the attention of our world devotees about the meaning of Siddha Sankalpa. What all a devotee desires to do will be done without fail by the Blessings of Mantralaya Rayaru. That devotee is called as Siddha Sankalpa. All these matters are described in Sri RaghavendraTantra and thus enhanced the knowledge of Devotion and true faith Drudha Bhakti Vishwasa to the World Devotees. Such a noble and unforgettable work was carried out by Sri Krishnavadhootaru.
Our 38th. Pontiff of our Sri Rayara Mutt Mantralaya - Sri Madhwacharya Parampara H.H.Sri Sushameendrateertharu lead a noble life and proved Siddha Sankalpa by the Paramaanugraha of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Swamiji daily uttered Rayaru and Rayaru will do good to all. H.H. Sri Sushameendrateertharu a great Saakshee for Siddha Sankalpa.
Bhagavat Gnyana
Bhaktibhyaam Bhuktim Muktim
Cha Vindati
Snaatwa Nitya Aahneekam Krutwaa
Gatam Gurum
Daily after bath and Aahneeka the satvika devotee has to pray to our Mantralaya Brindavana Mandira with full devotion. The devotee will definitely obtain the Anugraha of Sri Hari, Bhakti, Gnyana and enjoy all the pleasures of life Santana Sampattu and at the end attain Mukti by praying to Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Such a great Miraculous Divine Chetana is our Gururayaru in Brindavana today. Sri Jagannathdasaru have sang:
Kovida Mastakamani
Sambhaavitamahima Paalaaya
Seva Para Sarvaarthha Prada
Brindavana Mandira
Paalaya Maam
Kevala Nata Jana Paavana Roopi
Sadaa Vinodi
Hae Paalaya Maama
Sri Raghavendrateertharu the kindest Saint in the whole world as Rayaru is always engaged in the long Japa of Sri Hari, Rayaru is the king of kind affection and we say Karunigalarasa - Bhaktaanugraha Premi. While worshipping Rayaru we have to remember always Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru with devotion without fail. As Sri Raghavendraaya Namaha is Ashtaaksharee in the same way Sri Appanaryaaya Namaha is also Ashtaaksharee in the Devanaagari script.Sri Krishnavadhootaru has said in Sri RaghavendraTantra:
Japet Paschaat
Appanarya Naama Mantram Japet
Sri Appanaryaaya Namaha Ithham
Sri Appanacharya the dearest devotee of Rayaru. Gururayaru has attained the highest peak of Himalayan height of Bhakti Gnyana and Vairaagya.Appanacharya knew and understood the heart of Rayaru, we say Antaranga Bhakta. So Sri Krishnavadhootaru strongly recommend to the devotees of the world that it is always better to follow the pathhana of Sri Appanaryaaya Namaha along with Sri Raghavendraaya Namaha for Quick Siddhi.
Today the Devotees of the world are simply amazed to know the Devotional Ecstasy of Sri Krishnavadhootaru. In Sri RaghavendraTantra made it clear that what all we desire we will get definitely by praying to Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru and Sri Rayaru. As Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha Karuna Nidhi is for our Uddhaara and Bichali Sri Appanacharya has completely surrendered and squatted to Swaroopoddhaarakaru. Everything is for the welfare of the world devotees - towards the welfare of Manukula:
Sri Raghavendra Guruhu
Anghri Samsakta Dhishanaagraneehee
Appanarya Guruhu Bhooyaat Asmaat
Sri Appanacharyaru was too extraordinary devotee, so we call the greatest devotee of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Always interested in the Paada Seva, he has actually squatted and prostrated to Rayaru. Always spent with Guruvarya. Such a ru stalwart has guided Sri Krishnavadhootaru to be on the right path of Guru Bhakti. So Avadhootaru has described in Tantra that through Sri Appanacharya let all our desired things become fruitfull, as Appanaryaru was very close,near and dear to our Yatiraat. When we take the name of Appanacharya Rayaru will be pleased - highly pleased. A true devotee in all respect, highly intelligent, Chaturveda Pandita. His valuable compositions: Sri Raghavendra Gurustotra, Mangalashtaka, Gadya(Dandaka) very powerful, full of devotion magnified the Divine Personality of Sri GuruRaghavendrateertharu to the whole world. A GREAT SOURCE TO KNOW OUR RAYARU.
Sri Gurustotra inspired Avadhootaru for the compostion of this master piece of all the times : RaghavendraTantra. Here one thing is very clear and quite interesting that the kind concern of Sri Avadhootaru towards bthe devotees was abundant. The devotees have to get the Anugraha of Rayaru through Appanacharyaru as he himself set an example of his own. A total sum of Divyatva Daivatva - Punya and Siddhi is always awaiting on the bank of Tungabhadra to Bless the Devotees of the world. As the devotee will be a Siddha Sankalpa by our Rayaru and Appanacharyaru. Sri Krishnavadhootaru here described in the shloka:
Manorathhai Samruddhaha
Syaadaneke Santi Saakshinaha
Swaanubhootam Chaaha Saakshaat
Guru Sutaha
That he became Avadhoota and Mantralaya Rayaru loved him like a son.
Devotees please read the shloka of Tantra:
Satata Vimala Gaatram
Sadgunanaama Mantram
Durmatadhwaanta Mitram
Bhajakabhara Bahitram Maamaka
Praana Mitram
Gurum Atula Charitram Noumi Maam
Paatu Putram
The meaning of this shloka is really marvelous. Sri Raghavendrateertha is nothing but Sadguna Naama Mantra. Always very pure full of sanctity. We cannot find the Durita, the bad or sin. Those who are in the forest of darkness of Durmata ( not knowing about the greatness of Sri Hari Vayu Guru) for them Rayaru is the bright SUN.
Atula Charitra ( abundant fine character) Gururaya is my dearest friend,guru,Aapta, Sarvswa and Rayaru is like a Ship which will accommodate all his devotees :
I am your son please
protect me. Very nicely
said by Sri KrishnavadhootaruChatushtaya.
Sri RaghavendraTantradali Mantralaya Sri Gururajara Bhaktagresara Sri Krishnavadhootaru Dwiteeya Pataladali Munduvaridu Rayaranu Sevisuva Bhaktarige Yenenu Labhya Yembudanu Varnisida Vivaravanu Vishwada Bhaktarige Binnavipe: Vairagyavaan
Mahatyagee Bhogee Dharma Vichakshanaha
Kanyaam Lakshana
Sampannaam Praaptnoti Shriyam
Rayaranu Sevipa Bhakta
Kimatra Bahoon
Uktena Gururaja Krupaa Balaat
Sa Bhavet Siddha
Sankalpaha Sarva Roga Vivarjitaha
Illi Hechchina
Bhagavat Gnyana
Bhaktibhyaam Bhuktim Muktim
Cha Vindati
Snaatwa Nitya
Aahneekam Krutwaa Vrundavana
Gatam Gurum
Prati Dina Snaana
Aahneekava Satvika
Japet Paschaat
Appanarya Naama Mantram Japet
Sri Appanaryaaya
Namaha Ithham Ashtaksharo
Bhakti Gnyana
Vairagyada Meruvanu
Hitakaagi Bhaktara Uddhaarakaagi
Sri Raghavendra
Guruhu Anghri Samsakta Dhishanaagraneehee
Appanarya Guruhu
Bhooyaat Asmaat Ishtaarthha
Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyarau Saamaanyaralla
Japadakatti Sri Appanara Dwaaraa
Samruddhaha Syaadaneke Santi Saakshinaha
Chaaha Saakshaat Avadhooto Guru
Yendu Yede Tumbi
Satata Vimala
Gaatram Sadgunanaama Mantram
Durmatadhwaanta Mitram
Bahitram Maamaka Praana Mitram
Gurum Atula
Charitram Noumi Maam Paatu Putram
Rayara Hirime
Karune Yenahudu