Sanyasis Chaaturmaasa will begin shortly within two days. During Chaaturmaasa the Yatis will stay in one place and will not undertake Sanchaara owing to the rainy season. At the same time Dwaita Siddhanta Chintana Manthhana Dharma Prasaara Prachaara are all the highlights of our Sacred Yatis and not to collect money or make money. The Yatis are all Sarva Sanga Parityaagis. Detached completely from the Worldly Bondage. We are glad to know about our Yativarenyas right from Sri Jaiteertharu.
Whenever Chaaturmaasa comes the Mind thinks Heart throbs about our Sri Raghavendrateertharus last Chaaturmaasa at Mantralaya in the Temple of Sri Srinivasadevaru on the day of Shraavana Bahula Bidige Friday August 11th.1671.
The importance of Ashtaaksharee of Sri
Raghavendraya Namaha Neerajana Stavana of Sri Krishnavadhootaru in the
Siddhi Prada Granthha Sri RaghavendraTantra and the unalterable strong
faith and belief of the world devotees, recent Miracle of Sri Mantralaya
Rayaru - Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru to a staunch Devotee
residing in the USA are described in Sri Krishnavadhootaru(23).
Neerajanashtaka Swamin Mangalaarthham Mayaa
TvanMantraStavaRajena Sahitam Sweekuru Prabho
We have to request Sri GuruRaghavendra to accept all the entire pooja protocol and Bless us. Each word of the name of our Yatiraat Guraart Samraat :
Sri R A G H A V E N D R A is of great importance full of Sanctity
Sri Raghavendra Gurum Raja Sarvabhouma
Pada Sthhitam
Sri Ramachjandra Priyam Vande Ram Beeja
Iti Prathhama Neerajanam Samarpaayami.
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertha you have occupied the highest divine position, Raja King Sarvabhouma, Sthitapragnya, Samachitta and very dear to Sri Hari - Sri MoolaRama Sri Ramachandra Rayaru signed his signature in the name of his Aaraadhya Adhi Daiva. The first alphabet Ra is the Beeja Mantra of Sri Ramadevaru. So Remembering Sri Raghavendra and Sri Ramachandra I here by light the first Neerajana of the Siddhi Ashtaaksharee. Oh ! GuruRayare Please accept my Deeparaadhane.
Sri Ramachandra Maha Bhaktam Paapatvya
Agni Roopinam
Sri Raghavendra Gurum Vande DwiteeyaksharaVeditam
Iti Dwiteeya Neerajana Deepam Samarpaayami.
Sri Raghavendrateertha Gurusarvabhoumaru the
greatest Devotee of Sri Ramachandra is like Agni Swaroopa Fire to the wild
forest of Sin Paapa. Praying with this shloka we have to light the second
Ghanaaghanaabha Neelangam Ghana Roga Nivaaranam
Ghora Taapatraya Haram Trateeya Veditam
Iti Trateeya Neerajanam Samarpayaami
Ghana Anagha Ghannagh Punyakara Agha means Paapa Anagha means Paaparahita Punyakara Aakaash Neela Varna the Sacred Blue Sky is the colour of our Mantralaya Yatiraat Sri Raghavendrateertharu will cure all deadly the diseases including heart, cancer, tuberculosis, leprosy and has already cured and curing his devotees round the clock in the world. Those Devotees Desirous of Santana will definitely get Santana by the Anugraha of Rayaru. Will acquire Gnyana, Success and Prosperity. At the same time all the difficulties whether it is Aadhyatimka, AadiDaivika and AadiBhoutika Rayaru will simply vanish them and protect his devotees. Saying this shloka we have to light the third Neerajana Deepa. In this way the great devotee and the author of Sri RaghavendraTantra Sri Krishnavadhootaru has described the Mahima of Ashtaaksharee Deepa Samyojana.
At this juncture I wish to share a Miracle of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu which happened in America recently. Today through out the world we find large number of devotees of Mantralaya Sri RaghavendraGurusarvabhoumaru and Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharyaru. Though far from India Mantralaya Bichali Japadakatti, Devotees always remember whole heartedly and found success, happiness, peace and prosperity by the Blessings of great chetanas. Ten days back a devotee of Mantralaya Rayaru staying in America suffered from severe eye infection. Intolerable pain, cannot open his eyes and see properly. Always in the Seva of Rayaru cannot open the laptop, such was the condition. He went to an expert Doctor. After all the tests it was found that the infection is too severe. A separate antibiotic for this infection is required. Come after three days.
Owing to the unbearable pain, the devotee was restless. The Devotee already completely involved in the Seva of our Mantralaya Gururayaru since several years, ever since his childhood and school days. As the devotee grew the devotion also grew and increased by leaps and bounds. Dear World Devotees It is quite heartening to know that this Devotee will say at least 20 times Rayaru and Rayaru in a day during his routine. Heart and mind are fully occupied with the devotion of Rayaru. So dedicated and promising towards Mantralaya and Bhikshaalaya. This devotee prayed humbly. Oh ! Gururaya now please cure me with the tablet which I am taking at present. It seems Kind Yatiraja Sri Raghavendrateertharu listened the prayer. In a miraculous way the infectious pain of the eye reduced suddenly and became normal within two days. As per schedule when he went to the Doctor, the Doctor was really amazed to see and test that the severe infection was completely wiped away without the specific antibiotic prescription.
Dear Devotees here it is very interesting to know that Sri RaghavendraTantra Chaturtha Patala shloka has practically worked effectively:
Ghanaaghanaabha Neelangam Ghana Roga Nivaaranam
Ghora Taapatraya Haram Trateeya Veditam
The Mantralaya and Bichali Japadakatti Devotee Ghana Roga eye infection is cured by our Sri GuruRaghavendrateertharu within no time. The intolerable pain is cured by Rayaru. The word impossible is not found in the dictionary of our Mantralaya Rayaru. So devotees please Believe Rayaru have Faith unalterable Faith. Because Rayaru is none but Devate - Divine Power. Sri Vijayadasaru, Uttanur Sri Gopaladasru, Tande Sri Gopaladasaru Manvi Sri Jagannathadasru and Venisompura Sri Vyasatatvagnyateertharu have allsaid in one voice that:
Devategalivaru Idake Sandeha Beda.
Sri Jagannathdasaru has seen with his own eyes Rayaru in the Brindavana and talked with Rayaru in Mantralaya during his visit. After a certain months Rayaru stopped this and said you can see me in dream only. Rayaru never aspired to exhibit the super power.
Kosigi Sri GuruJagannathadasaru has said and it is a popular slogan to all of us:
Those who believed are benefited a lot. Today devotees are praying through Gurustotra and acquiring the Anugraha of our GuruRayaru. BhavaRoga Vaidya is our GuruRayaru. When ever the word Faith, Belief comes the heart throbs and the mind recollects the incident of Shraavana Bahula Bidige Friday August 11.1671. On that Rayaru entered Brindavana SaShareera in the absence of Bichali Japadakatti Appanacharya. Appanarya came to know that Rayaru is entering the Brindavana today only. At once he decided to go to Mantralaya from Bichali Japadakatti. At that time the the incessant rain lashing heavily owing to the Shraavana. Tungabhadra was in full spate. Without caring his life, without any fear of being drowned in the river Appanacharya plunged from Bichali Japadakatti and owing to his affection and devotional ecstasy towards Rayaru started spontaneously Ashukavitva the Gurustotra:
Sri Purnabodha Guruteertha Payobdhipaara
KaamaarimaakshaVishamaakshaShiraha Sprushantee
Poorvottaraa Amita Taranga Charatsu Hamsa
Devaalisevitaparaanghri Payojalagnaa.
And continued the Gurustotra reached Mantralaya the Sannidhaana of his dear Guruvarya finally acquired the Saakshaatkaara of Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Carefully listened Gurustotra from the beginning to the end. What all you have said are correct and Sri Hayagreevadevaru is a witness for this. Uttered : Saakshee Haya Stotrahee.
At that moment Rayaru engaged in the Japa of Sri Hayagreevadevaru. So put a seal and the willingness of Sri Hayavadana Roopi Paramatma. The Faith, Confdidence, Affection, Devotion and Courage is difficult toi others to excel Sri Appanacharyaru. His Faith never allowed him to be drowned though the river overflowed abnormally and safely reached the other side of the bank of the river Tungabhadra. His Courage and Ecstasy made him to compose and complete Sri Raghavendra Stotra at that crucial hour.The Devotion and the Dedication of Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya compelled Sri GuruRayaru happily to put a seal of Willingness for what all he has said in the Stotra.
Dear Devotees Knowing all this the gathered Devotees who were present at that day and that moment uttered in praise:
Krutam Stotram Idam PunyaM Sri Mat Bhir Appanabhidaihi
What a noble and great statement by the gathered devotees in Mantralaya on that day.
Sri Raghavendra Tantras Chaturtha Patala Neerajana Ashtaka Stvana remaining shlokas will be continued in the next Mantralaya Series.
The deadly eye infection of the Devotee vanished by Rayaru by an ordinary medicine, though Doctor was thinking to administer the sdosage of strong antibiotic.This is a Miracle of Mantralaya Sri Raghavendrateertharu. So we devotees strongly believe:
Bhaktaanugraha Premi Sarvatra Sarva Karyeshu
Jaya Pradaata
Tvamea Sarvswa Mama Dehi Karaavalambam
Bhuvi Japtuhu Tava Sankeertanam Sadaa
Sarvadaa Sarva Kaaleshu
Mam Raksha Sri Raghavendrateertha Prabho.
Pooja Vidhi Vidhanava Tilisi Vyaapaka Stotradi Gurustotradi Guru Raghavendra Yatiraataranu Aradhisi Sakala Pooja Parikaragalanoppisi Tatteyali Suttaloo Ittiruva Tuppada Vandonde Deepava Hachchuva Hottinali Ashtaaksharee Stotra: Neerajanashtaka Swamin Mangalaarthham Mayaa
TvanMantraStavaRajena Sahitam Sweekuru Prabho
Japisi Deepa Samyojanaha :
Sri Raghavendra Gurum Raja Sarvabhouma Pada
Sri Ramachjandra Priyam Vande Ram Beeja Pratipaaditam
Iti Prathhama Neerajanam Samarpayaami
Mantralaya Sri Raghavendra Gurugale
Sri Ramachandra Maha Bhaktam Paapatvya Agni
Sri Raghavendra Gurum Vande DwiteeyaksharaVeditam
Iti Dwiteeya Neerajana Deepam Samarpaayami.
Sri Ramachandra Devara Maha Bhakta Shresthha
Ghana Aghanaabha Neelangam Ghana Roga Nivaaranam
Ghora Taapatraya Haram Trateeya Veditam
Iti Trateeya Neerajanam Samarpayaami
Ghana Gaadha Punya Anghanaabha Neelanga
Bhakta Rayarige More Hooka !
Naavu Maaduvadishte Mantralaya Gururaat
Sakalaroo Rayaranu Nere Nambi Jeevanada
Sri Raghavendrateerthara Santasada Vappigeya
Bhaktaanugraha Premi Sarvatra Sarva Karyeshu
Jaya Pradaata
Tvamea Sarvswa Mama Dehi Karaavalambam GuruRaghavendra
Bhuvi Japtuhu Tava Sankeertanam Sadaa Sarvadaa
Sarva Kaaleshu
Mam Raksha Sri Raghavendrateertha Prabho.
|| Bichali Japadakatti Sri Appanacharya Priya