(The influence of positive thinking according to Sri Krishna, Sri Rayaru)
Date : April 11, 2024
Dear Devotees : Namaskara.
| Sri MannMoolaRamastu Mannmathe Moolamahasamsthhaana Mantralaya Sri Rayaramathe||
influence of positive thinking according to Sri Krishna, Sri Rayaru,
and its connection to Quantum physics is described in Mantralaya (1085).
|| Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati ||
. This means "As you think, so you become." This implies that your
inner thoughts shape your outward reality. Your thoughts dictate your
actions, and your actions shape your character. This principle
underscores a fundamental psychological truth: everything you perceive
and encounter is filtered through your internal perceptions and beliefs.
a positive mindset is paramount. In his commentary on the Bhagavad
Gita, Sri Raghavendra Teertharu advocates for cultivating a pure mind
and focusing meditation on both God and the goals one seeks to achieve.
A pure mind naturally steers one towards righteous paths, compelling
contemplation on the rightful course of action.
How does one
attain a pure mind? Sri Raghavendra Teertharu, in his commentary on the
Bhagavad Gita, discusses by exercising control over our senses. Our
senses are the originators of our thoughts; therefore, it is crucial to
filter what we see with our eyes. The things we see often evoke desires
within us. Similarly, what we hear, speak, and taste all contribute to
the thoughts that arise in our minds."
The Yajurveda proclaims, || Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde ||,
which translates to "As is the individual, so is the universe; as is
the universe, so is the individual" or "As is the human body, so is the
Cosmic Body; as is the cosmic body, so is the human body."
Whatever we sow in our subconscious mind and nurture through repetition and emotion will eventually manifest into reality.
we connect Geeta, Vedas and Upanishad to physics, the Quantum model of
Reality supported by Einstein aligns with the Law of Attraction. So,
how can we manifest the life we desire solely through our thoughts?
serve as the brain's language, while feelings serve as the body's
language. Thoughts represent the electric charge, while feelings embody
the magnetic charge. The combination of our thoughts and feelings
shapes our "State-of-being," which is reflected in our electromagnetic
signature. The quantum field reacts not to our desires, but rather to
our "State-of-being."
To manifest the desired life, we must
align our "State-of-being" that is Energy with the potential energy in
the Quantum field. This entails thinking and feeling in coherent ways
that correspond to the future reality we seek to achieve.
says this Quantum State-of-being can be achieved through practice and
he says “Dear seeker Arjuna, redirect your mind's focus away from the
world and anchor it on God. Engage in this practice consistently”
the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna that there are three paths
leading to the soul's downfall: lust, anger, and greed, which should be
renounced. Furthermore, for those consumed by self-doubt, happiness
remains elusive both in this world and beyond.
One harsh reality
of human existence is the constant presence of situations that breed
doubts and skepticism within us. Bhagavad Gita highlights that
perpetual self-doubt and uncertainty lead to a lack of happiness in
both our current and future lives. Continuous skepticism breeds inner
discontent and dissatisfaction. To attain contentment and peace, the
advice is to cultivate self-belief and confidence. By placing trust in
ourselves, we can uncover joy and fulfillment.
Krishna goes on
to assert that belief is among the most potent forces in the world,
akin to a profound sentiment. It possesses the power to heal the sick,
uplift the sorrowful, and propel the unsuccessful towards progress.
With unwavering belief, any feat can be accomplished in life. Every
individual of great stature initially convinces their mind of their
capacity to achieve something significant, thereby setting the stage
for monumental accomplishments in their lives.
Lord Krishna
advises Arjuna that only when one possesses the courage to take action
can they truly achieve their goals. Belief instills this courage,
enabling one to overcome their fears. Therefore, it's crucial to
program oneself to believe in their capabilities and capacity to
overcome challenges. As one's thoughts shape their reality, strong
self-belief renders nothing impossible.
In the Mahabharata, the
devoted Bhimasena Devaru exemplified mastery in maintaining a positive
mindset and unwavering confidence in Vishnu's protection. He
continuously filled his mind with the thought that Narayana would
safeguard him at all times, adhering to the principles of bhagavata
In the upcoming episode, we will delve into how Bhima's
positive thinking and steadfast adherence to bhagavata dharma shielded
him from harm by the Narayana Astra.
Together, let us pray to
Sri Krishna and Sri Rayaru for the gift of a positive mindset, wherein
our thoughts are steadfastly centered on Bhagavata Dharma. May they
grant us the ability to embody the profound wisdom encapsulated in the
powerful slokas: "Yad bhavam tad bhavati" and "Yatha pinde tatha
brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde."
The devotion towards
Sri Raghavendrateertharu is the ultimate truth and is the most simple
and effective way to reach Sri Hari - "NAMBI KETTAVARILLAVO EE
GURUGALA"! “Those who have complete faith in this Guru will never be